Attitudes Towards Marriage, Sexual Morality, and Parenthood of Individuals Associated with Shalom Centre in Mitunguu, Kenya
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Wydawnictwo KUL
Attitudes to marriage, sexual morality, and parenthood are currently undergoing substantial cultural transformation, noticeable also in mission countries. For this reason, the Catholic Church has in recent years treated pastoral care of married couples and families as an urgent concern. The article presents results of empirical research conducted among a selected group of Catholics in Kenya as well as conclusions and postulates for Catholic formation and pastoral care of families. It indicates a need for education that would help individuals overcome unethical conjugal and familial attitudes. It also emphasizes the value of positive attitudes to parenthood present in African culture and accentuates clear progress in rejecting a conviction that marriage without children is pointless. The text points out urgent need for formative and pastoral work to eradicate corporal punishment of children and indicates challenges related to the education of women.
marriage, sexual morality, spouses, parenthood, pastoral theology, pastoral care of the family, Catholic education, empirical theology
„Verbum Vitae”, 2024, T. 42, Nr 2, s. 431-451