Verbum Vitae, 2024, T. 42, Nr 2: Varia
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- ItemThe Role of the Ministry of Lector and Acolyte in the Context of the Instruction for Parishes in the Service of Evangelisation (June 29, 2020) and the Letter Spiritus Domini (January 10, 2021)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Biela, BogdanThe principal weight of the Church’s responsibility for evangelization rests on the parish. However, the pastoral practice shows that there is no sufficient principle to organize the missionary life of the parish as a community of communities. This frequently leads to confusion in a multitude of activities, which contributes to the failure of the parish to fulfill its principal evangelizing mission. Firstly, the article shows how the introduction of ministries of lector and acolyte into the life of the parish may help revitalize the basic functions of the parish, which are: martyrdom, liturgy, and diakonia. Men and women who discovered their specific vocation to the ministry of lector and acolyte may become pillars of concrete parish groups and apostolic work realized in the parish. It is closely related to a proper understanding of the ecclesial dimension of each of these ministries. In view of the above, the article presents pastoral inspirations of the Instruction of the Congregation for the Clergy The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community in the Service of the Evangelising Mission of the Church, and the indications of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter Spiritus Domini. Secondly, the text presents the liturgical ministries in the light of the hierarchical, charismatic, and spousal dimension of the mystery of the Church. The final part of the article describes the pastoral dimension of these ministries in realizing the evangelizing mission of the Church.
- ItemReferences to Scripture in the Old Polish History of the Three Kings. Quotations, Allusions, Echoes(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Bryłka-Baranowska, ZofiaThe article analyzes the references to Scripture in Historyja trzech kroli (History of the Three Kings), an Old Polish apocryphal work preserved in a copy from 1544. The references to the Bible are divided into quotations, allusions and echoes. Quotations were introduced either by reference to a particular location or author of the biblical text, or to an unspecified “prophet” or “evangelist.” Sometimes they were not signaled in any way. Then the quotation could only be identified by recognizing the passage to which it refers. Allusions to the Old and New Testaments mostly consisted of references to characters, places, and events, without quoting the text of Scripture itself. The featured echoes most often consisted of narrative parallelisms between the story of the Wise Men from the East and the first Church. References to Scripture in the apocryphal work served to emphasize typology and create parallelisms between biblical history and the story of the three kings. The text emphasizes the role of the Gentiles in salvation history while belittling the role of Israelites.
- ItemThe Figures of Adam and Eve in the Old Polish Apocrypha of the New Testament(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Stelmach, WojciechThis article seeks to analyse excerpts of Old Polish apocryphal texts of the New Testament that refer to the figures of Adam and Eve. Though it might seem that the first parents are marginal characters in the New Testament writings, comparative studies of Old Polish translations and their Latin source text show that they play a significant role in the context of soteriology and exegesis. In the article, selected excerpts from the Old Polish apocrypha have been juxtaposed with translation source texts, followed by an interpretation of decisions made by a given translator regarding the use of the figures of Adam and Eve in a given medieval Polish text. This has provided grounds for creating the Adam – Jesus and Eve – Mary typology and explaining the nature of the first parents’ sin and its role in the work of salvation.
- ItemThe Critique of Secularism by Talal Asad as a Chance to Look for New Ways of Proclamation(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Vodičar, JanezIn democratic societies, it is taken for granted to withdraw religiosity from public life. In this paper, we point to Talal Asad’s critique of this taken-for-grantedness. Using his genealogical method, he attempts to find the origin of this relegation of religiosity to the private sphere. The concept of secularity, he argues, is primarily an expression of the power of those who insist on enlightened reason. At the same time, secularism becomes, in a sense, a new religion, the only one acceptable in a democratic society. While we point out the causes of the secularization process, we also point out the aspects that are problematic in such a conception of religion. The Church’s response must take into account the process of secularization, but it must not fall into the same logic that led to this process in the first place. We point out the danger that the separation between the sacred and the profane, the physical and the spiritual, is increasing even in the new religious movements. We therefore propose a form of proclamation that involves the whole person and addresses him or her in everyday life.
- ItemOntological Dimension of Community Education Refers to Augustine’s Thought in The City of God(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Mulyatno, Carolus Borromeus; Widodo, AgusTo educate each person integrally as a member of society, ethical principles with an ontological dimension are needed. This qualitative research with literature study method aims to explore the ontological dimension of community education refers to Augustine’s thought in The City of God. The results of this study show that community education is synonymous with building the City of God, which is characterized by human relationships with God so that they are able to use freedom driven by altruist love to implement social responsibility for the realization of peace, justice and happiness in common life. Education of conscience plays an important role in developing the sensitivity, concern and responsibility of each person to realize true happiness in life together. True happiness, which is the goal of everyone’s life, has a moral, relational-dialogical, dynamic and affective character. Altruistic love, which stems from man’s relationship with God, is an ethical principle in social life. At the same time, the idea of each person’s relationship with God and his presence in conscience confirms Augustine’s position on the ontological dimension of the morality of living together. Augustine’s ideas about the ontological dimension of social morality have influenced moral education in the Christian tradition and philosophical discourse over time.
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