Verbum Vitae, 2024, T. 42, Nr 3: The Mother of the Lord Present in the Church: Theological and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
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- ItemThe Position of Selected English Dominicans Towards the Immaculate Conception in the Pre-tridentine Era(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Beyga, PawełThe Immaculate Conception of the Mother of Christ is a truth of the Catholic faith that was only dogmatised by Pius IX in 1854. Until then, there had been debate among theologians regarding this Marian privilege. By means of selected examples the article shows the attitude of English Dominicans to the Immaculate Conception of Mary between the 13th and 16th centuries. It transpires that the members of the Order of Preachers in the British Isles presented an extremely diverse positions. One can find both strongly dissenting positions and those manifestly in favour of the Immaculate Conception. It is extremely interesting to note that in their arguments for the Immaculate Conception, some Dominicans distanced themselves from the continental theology represented by Aquinas. The way the Dominicans conceptualised the Immaculate Conception was closer to that represented by the twelfth-century theologian and historian Eadmer.
- ItemDziewictwo Maryi w zrodzeniu Chrystusa na podstawie kazań św. Augustyna na Boże Narodzenie(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Jaśkiewicz, SylwesterDziewictwo Maryi w zrodzeniu Chrystusa jest we współczesnej kulturze i mentalności czymś zgoła archaicznym, a nawet śmiesznym. Stawienie czoła takiej sytuacji wydaje się być możliwe jedynie dzięki dostarczeniu wierzącym bardziej przekonujących wyjaśnień i uzasadnień o charakterze merytorycznym i źródłowym. Odniesienie się w takiej sytuacji do autorytetu św. Augustyna i jego kazań na Boże Narodzenie (In Natali Domini), nie jest przypadkowe. Artykuł stara się w pierwszej kolejności ukazać poród Dziewicy (Virginis partus) i jego przesłanie płynące z bożonarodzeniowego nauczania biskupa Hippony, które stanowi zarazem zręby jego mariologii. Augustyn kwestię dziewictwa Maryi w czasie porodu (in partu) widzi jako konstytutywny element Jej trwałego dziewictwa i tak też winno ono być odczytywane również dzisiaj. In the context of contemporary culture and mentality, Mary’s virginity in giving birth to Christ might seem a completely archaic and even absurd issue. The only way to overcome this obstacle could involve providing believers with more convincing explanations and substantive and source-based justifications. Against this background, referring to the authority of St. Augustine and his Christmas sermons (In Natali Domini), is not accidental. The article attempts, first of all, to show the birth from the Virgin (Virginis partus) and its message coming from the Christmas teaching of the Bishop of Hippo, which is also the basis of his Mariology. Augustine sees the issue of Mary’s virginity during childbirth (in partu) as a constitutive element of her lasting virginity, which is how it should be understood today.
- ItemPobożność maryjna w ujęciu Josepha Ratzingera/ Benedykta XVI(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Borto, PawełArtykuł przedstawia rozumienie pobożności maryjnej i jej teologiczne uzasadnienie w ujęciu Josepha Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI. Podstawą dla prowadzonych analiz były przede wszystkim teksty mariologiczne o charakterze systematycznym, jak i wybrane wypowiedzi Benedykta XVI. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że zagadnienie pobożności maryjnej J. Ratzinger ściśle łączył z refleksją mariologiczną. Tę zaś zawsze rozwijał w ścisłym związku z tajemnicą Objawienia oraz z zachowaniem właściwej równowagi między mariologią chrystotypiczną a eklezjotypiczną . Jednocześnie w poglądach Ratzingera na rolę pobożności maryjnej zaszła pewna zmiana. Początkowy dystans wobec pewnych form pobożności maryjnej ustąpił postawie docenienia tej pobożności. Wnioski z przeprowadzonej analizy pozwalają stwierdzić, że proponowany przez Ratzingera model pobożności maryjnej ściśle wiąże się z logiką Objawienia i autentyczną czcią oddawaną Bogu, wypływa z lektury Pisma Świętego, pozostaje wierny treściom dogmatów maryjnych oraz wskazuje na Maryję jako doskonałą uczennicę Pana i uosobienie Kościoła. O ile wnioski te zostały wskazane już w innych publikacjach, to należy podkreślić, że w poglądach bawarskiego teologa trzeba uwzględnić pewną ewolucję. Poglądy te bowiem cechuje wprawdzie pewien constans, ale z czasem w twórczości Ratzingera dochodzi do głosu większa uwaga poświęcona praktykowaniu pobożności maryjnej. Jest ona postrzegana nie tylko jako wyraz posłuszeństwa słowom Pisma (por. Łk 1,48), ale w przeżywanie tajemnicy Boga i Kościoła wnosi wymiar osobowy, pozwala docenić lokalne tradycje i związaną z nimi cześć okazywaną Maryi oraz uczy, że spotkanie z Bogiem domaga się również zaangażowania serca, które także poznaje. The article presents an understanding of Marian devotion and its theological justification as seen by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. The basis for the analyses carried out was primarily systematic Mariological texts, as well as selected statements of Benedict XVI. The analysis carried out showed that the issue of Marian devotion to J. Ratzinger is closely connected with Mariological reflection. This Mariological reflection he always developed in close connection with the mystery of Revelation and with the right balance between christotypical and ecclesiotypical Mariology. At the same time, there was a certain change in Ratzinger’s views on the role of Marian devotion. The initial distance from certain forms of Marian devotion gave way to an attitude of appreciation for this devotion. The conclusions of the analysis allow us to summarize that the model of Marian piety proposed by Ratzinger is closely connected with the logic of Revelation and authentic reverence for God, flows from the reading of Scripture, remains faithful to the content of Marian dogmas, and points to Mary as the perfect disciple of the Lord and the personification of the Church. While these conclusions have already been indicated in other publications, it should be emphasized that a certain evolution must be taken into account in the views of the Bavarian theologian. While a certain constancy characterizes these views, over time, greater attention to the practice of Marian devotion emerges in his work. It is seen not only as an expression of obedience to the words of Scripture (cf. Luke 1:48), but brings a personal dimension to experiencing the mystery of God and the Church, allowing one to appreciate local traditions and veneration shown to Mary, and teaches that an encounter with God also demands the involvement of the heart.
- ItemDiakonia i charyzmat. Fenomen macierzyństwa Maryi w ujęciu Edwarda Schillebeeckxa i Czesława Bartnika(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Nadbrzeżny, AntoniCelem niniejszego artykułu jest porównanie poglądów Edwarda Schillebeeckxa (1914 -2009) i Czesława Bartnika (1929-2020) na istotę Bożego macierzyństwa Maryi. Obaj są wybitnymi i oryginalnymi teologami europejskimi. Flamandzki dominikanin reprezentuje bardziej „oddolną” mariologię typu fenomenologicznego i egzystencjalistycznego. Z kolei polski profesor znany jest jako zwolennik mariologii personalistycznej. W artykule zastosowano metodę teologii porównawczej. Przeprowadzone badania pokazują, że Schillebeeckx i Bartnik zaproponowali różne interpretacje mariologiczne. Według Schillebeeckxa macierzyństwo Maryi ma charakter sakramentalny, epifaniczny i diakoniczny. Bartnik uważa, że jest ono przede wszystkim personalistyczne, relacyjne i charyzmatyczne. Pomimo wyraźnych różnic, obie koncepcje można uznać za w dużej mierze komplementarne. W ostatniej części autor proponuje własną koncepcję, którą nazywa aksjologiczno-symboliczną. Ukazuje on macierzyństwo Maryi jako wydarzenie-symbol, które należy właściwie odczytywać w świetle współczesnych znaków czasu. The purpose of this article is to compare the views of Edward Schillebeeckx (1914-2009) and Czesław Bartnik (1929-2020) on the essence of Mary’s divine motherhood. Both are prominent and original European theologians. The Flemish Dominican represents a more ‘bottom-up’ Mariology of the phenomenological and existentialist approaches. The Polish professor, on the other hand, is known as a proponent of personalistic Mariology. The article uses a comparative theological method. The results of the analysis show that Schillebeeckx and Bartnik proposed different Mariological interpretations. According to Schillebeeckx, Mary’s motherhood has a sacramental, epiphanic and diakonia character. Bartnik, on the other hand, believes it to be primarily personalistic, relational and charismatic. Despite their clear differences, the two concepts can be considered largely complementary. In the final section, the author proposes his own conception, which he calls axiological-symbolic. He portrays Mary’s motherhood as an event-symbol to be properly read in the light of the contemporary signs of the times.
- ItemŚredniowieczne "clausulae" różańcowe i ich teologiczna treść(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Lekan, JanuszCelem tej refleksji teologicznej jest skupienie się na jednej z form kultu maryjnego, jaką jest różaniec. Modlitwa ta, znana od wieków, posiada bogate znaczenie teologiczne – wprowadza w misterium zbawienia (doktryna) i stanowi rodzaj modlitwy medytacyjnej (duchowość). Jest modlitwą, która potrzebuje również odnowy, do czego zachęca papież Paweł VI w adhortacji Marialis cultus. Jedną z dróg odnowy tej modlitwy mogą stać się średniowieczne formy klauzuli różańcowych. Zanim jednak zostanie ukazany historyczny i teologiczny kontekst jej powstania, trzeba wskazać na naturę kultu maryjnego i jego miejsce w pobożności chrześcijańskiej. Po omówieniu kontekstu historyczno-teologicznego powstawania klauzul i roli Dominika z Prus w tym procesie, zechcemy podkreślić aktualność tej modlitwy, wskazując na jej bogactwo teologiczne – wartość biblijną i kontemplacyjną. Różaniec klauzulowy ma również wartość ekumeniczną, gdyż ta forma modlitwy posiada ściśle biblijne korzenie, zawiera bowiem Pozdrowienie anielskie, opisane w Ewangelii św. Łukasza i odniesienie do tajemnic zbawienia dokonanego przez Jezusa Chrystusa. Jest także odpowiedzią na modę medytacji religii Wschodu. This theological reflection focuses on one form of Marian devotion, the Rosary. This prayer, which has been known for centuries, has a deep theological meaning: it introduces the mysteries of salvation (doctrine) and is a form of meditative prayer (spirituality). As a prayer, it also needs renewal, as encouraged by Pope Paul VI in his exhortation Marialis cultus. The medieval forms of Clausular Rosary could become a way of renewing this prayer. However, before the historical and theological context of its origin is shown, it is necessary to point out the nature of Marian devotion and its place in Christian piety. After discussing the historical and theological context of how the clausulae were formed and the role of Dominic of Prussia in this process, the actuality of this prayer shall be emphasised by pointing out its theological richness: its biblical and contemplative value. The Clausular Rosary also has ecumenical value, since this form of prayer has strictly biblical roots: it contains the Angelic Salutation described in the Gospel of St. Luke and a reference to the mysteries of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ. It is also a response to the popularity of meditation in the spirit of Eastern religions.
- ItemMariology in the Euchology of Advent and Christmas in the Hispanic-Mozarabic Rite(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Porosło, KrzysztofThis article, dedicated to the Mariology of the Hispanic-Mozarabic Missal during the Advent and Christmas seasons, has two objectives. First, it is intended to make the Mozarabic dogmatic sensibility, which is virtually unknown to theologians, more accessible. Second, it aims to extract the original Hispanic/Mozarabic Mariology from the euchology and to present it in a synthetic form. The article will present the history of the formation of Marian feasts in the Visigothic rite and analyse, from the Mariological perspective, the euchology of the feasts of the Immaculate Conception of Mary (8 December) and of the Blessed Virgin Mary (18 December), as well as the forms of the mass for the Second Sunday of Advent and for Christmas Day. It ends with a summary that points to the restraint of the Mozarabic tradition with respect to the number of Marian feasts, which coexists with the theological and dogmatic richness of the forms for these feasts. In the Hispanic tradition, Mary is virtually always presented in the context of her mission of virgin motherhood. At the same time, the Hispanic tradition frequently juxtaposes the figures of Mary-Mother and Church-Mother, demonstrating, in the spirit of the Augustinian theology, that what was accomplished in Mary is surpassed in the Church.
- ItemMariologia Franciszka Petrarki w pieśni "Vergine bella, che di sol vestita"(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Waszkiewicz, Piotr TadeuszPetrarka często jest przeciwstawiany „Boskiemu Poecie”, Dantemu; jego poezja skupia się na figurze Laury oraz na miłości do niej, tym samym odchodząc od teocentryzmu średniowiecznego. Żyjący na granicy dwóch epok Petrarka wytyczał jednak pewne trendy nie tylko literackie, ale również teologiczne. Jego zbiór poezji wieńczy pieśń będąca mariologiczną perłą poezji średniowiecznej. Niniejszy artykuł pragnie pochylić się nad teologicznym aspektem poezji Petrarki w pieśni "Vergine bella, che di sol vestita", próbując odkryć, jakim teologiem – i mariologiem – był Petrarka. Szczególnie ważne jest pytanie, czy jego maryjna pieśń jest odejściem od jego wcześniejszej perspektywy antropocentrycznej i ziemskiej oraz w konsekwencji, czy dzieło to stanowi polemikę, czy raczej punkt spotkania z Dantem. Odpowiedzi na te pytania służy poznanie prawdopodobnego kontekstu powstania Vergine bella, oraz przede wszystkim analiza wybranych wezwań pieśni, pozwalająca odkryć nawiązania do autorów wcześniejszych (od epoki patrystycznej po Franciszka z Asyżu i Dantego) oraz oryginalny wkład samego Petrarki, który – fundamentalnie wierny swojemu podejściu antropocentrycznemu – dostrzega w Maryi „Dziewicę ludzką” i szczególnie litościwą wobec ludzkiej nędzy. To właśnie tytuł Vergine humana wydaje się stanowić najbardziej oryginalną nutę mariologii Petrarki, a zarazem interesujący punkt jego wyjścia naprzeciw Dantemu. Petrarch is often contrasted with the “Divine Poet”, Dante. His poetry focuses on the figure of Laura and his love for her, thus departing from medieval theocentrism. However, living on the boundary between two eras, Petrarch set certain trends in poetry and theology. His collection of poetry is crowned with a Mariological treasure of medieval poetry. This article seeks to delve into the theological aspect of Petrarch’s poetry in the song Vergine bella, che di sol vestita in an attempt to discover what kind of theologian and Mariologist he was. Of crucial importance is whether this song is a departure from his earlier anthropocentric perspective and, consequently, whether it represents a polemic or a point of encounter with Dante. To answer these questions, the article describes the probable context in which the Vergine bella was written and, above all, analyses selected invocations of the song, making it possible to discover references to earlier authors (from the patristic era to Francis of Assisi and Dante) and the original contribution of Petrarca himself, who, fundamentally faithful to his anthropocentric approach, sees Mary as a “human virgin” exceptionally compassionate towards human misery. It is the title Vergine humana that seems to constitute the most original note of Petrarca’s Mariology and an exciting point of his encounter with Dante.
- ItemTowards Theology of Parenthood: Mother Mary as the Role Model for Sensitive and Secure Christian Parenting(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Ganc, DamijanMother Mary’s intimate and confidential relationship with God has inspired Christians around the world for the last two millennia. Her role in salvation history has already been discussed in detail in various church documents and scholarly literature. However, from an interdisciplinary point of view, her maternal role has not yet been fully evaluated from a psychological and child-rearing perspective. Therefore, in this article, we conduct a psychological analysis of the Gospel passages that talk about her maternal role and we evaluate these passages through the prism of the well-established attachment theory. Despite temporal and cultural differences, Mary’s maternal attitude is found to be highly consistent with the key findings in research on quality parenting and interpersonal relationships. As we show, her “maternal genius” is revealed through the following fundamental characteristics of attachment-focused parenting: unconditional acceptance, sensitive guidance, compassionate accompaniment and continuous emotional regulation. These characteristics of Mary’s motherhood come to the fore especially in the key moments of salvation history. The psychological analysis of Mary’s motherhood brings an important contribution to the “aggiornamento” of Mariology and enables some new opportunities for pastoral theology. With new scientifically supported insights, the Church will be better equipped to help parents to discover the beauty and depth of the mission of parenthood, following Mary’s example. The findings of our research therefore also represent an important foundation for the emerging theology of parenthood.
- ItemThe Dominican Stance on the Immaculate Conception of Mary: Insights from Selected Sermons (13th-15th Centuries)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Kochaniewicz, BogusławIt is commonly believed that in the debate on the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, representatives of the Order of St. Francis were supporters of the Marian privilege, while the Dominicans were against it. The aim of this article is to verify this opinion by analyzing selected Dominican homilies from the 13th –15th centuries, seeking answers to the questions: has the maculist position expressed by preachers been maintained over the centuries? What caused Dominicans to remain unchanged in their views, despite the gradual spread of the opinion about the Immaculate Conception of Mary, which was finally officially accepted by the Church? What role did Saint’s opinion play? Thomas Aquinas to the position of later Dominicans? The results of the analysis of medieval Dominican sermons allow us to consider the opinion that has so far been widespread as one-sided and superficial. The Dominican position is much more complex.
- ItemThe Christocentrism of Marian Homilies(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Dyk, StanisławThe aim of this article is to show the Christocentrism of Marian homilies. The starting point is to recall the fundamental function of the homily, which is to introduce the mystery of Christ, “always present and at work in us, especially in liturgical rites” (SC 35,2). This definition was applied to Marian homilies, revealing their three content areas: the proclamation of the mystery of Christ and Mary attested in the Word of God; the leading to participation in the grace of the mystery manifested in Mary and available in the liturgy; the call to conform oneself to Christ in imitation of Mary, his most faithful disciple. Those issues are explained and justified on the basis of Marian teaching of the Church and theological reflection. The analyses were also illustrated with the example of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The analysis carried out in the study showed that the main axes around which the content of Marian homilies should be organised are the Christological, soteriological, liturgical and ecclesiological perspectives. The emphasis should be placed on ecclesiotypical rather than Christotypical Mariology. Such an approach to the Marian homily allows an organic view of Mary’s presence and modality in the history of salvation. It is at the same time an example of a liturgy-mystery-life synthesis integrating what is believed with what is celebrated and what is lived.
- ItemBiblijne świadectwa o godności Maryi w "lex orandi" Kościoła(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Szymik, Stefan; Pałęcki, WaldemarMaryja jest ikoną chrześcijańskiej wiary i obiektem szczególnej czci. Jest tak, chociaż brak wyraźnych śladów kultu maryjnego w tekstach biblijnych. Niemniej późniejszy rozwój pobożności maryjnej ma swoje źródła właśnie w Biblii, czego dowodzą teksty liturgiczne. Ten teologiczny fenomen recepcji maryjnych tekstów biblijnych w lex orandi Kościoła stanowi przedmiot przedłożonych analiz. O kolejności i strukturze analiz zdecydowały wypowiedzi trzech postaci biblijnych: anioła Gabriela (Łk 1,26–38), krewnej Elżbiety (Łk 1,39–45) i anonimowej kobiety z tłumu (Łk 11,27–28). Na drodze badań interdyscyplinarnych, na bazie metody historyczno-krytycznej uzupełnionej o analizy narracyjne i kontekstualno-opisowe, artykuł naświetla oddziaływanie orędzia biblijnego (Wirkungsgeschichte) na liturgię Kościoła na przykładzie godnościowych tytułów Maryi w lex orandi Kościoła na przestrzeni wieków. Okazuje się, iż słowa postaci biblijnych były istotną podstawą rozwoju pobożności maryjnej. W świetle Biblii Maryja jest szczęśliwą (μακαρία), błogosławioną (εὐλογημένη) i pełną łaski (κεχαριτωμένη) Matką Pana (Łk 1,43). Celebracja tej prawdy w akcie liturgicznym owocowała w ciągu wieków jeszcze pełniejszym poznaniem wielkiej godności Maryi. Mary is an icon of the Christian faith and an object of special reverence. Even though there are no clear traces of the Marian cult in biblical texts, The later development of Marian devotion has its sources in the Bible, as evidenced by texts used in the liturgy. The theological phenomenon of the reception of Marian biblical texts in the Church’s lex orandi is the subject of the analyses presented in this paper. The statements of three biblical characters: the angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26–38), Elizabeth, Mary’s relative (Luke 1:39–45) and an anonymous woman from the crowd (Luke 11:27–28) determined the order and structure of the analyses. Through interdisciplinary research, based on the historicalcritical method supplemented with narrative and contextual-descriptive analyses, the article highlights the impact of the biblical message (Wirkungsgeschichte) on the liturgy of the Church over the centuries, as exemplified by Mary’s titles of dignity in the Church’s lex orandi. It appears that the words of biblical characters were an important basis for the development of Marian devotion. In the light of the Bible, Mary is the happy (μακαρία), blessed (εὐλογημένη) and favored (κεχαριτωμένη) Mother of the Lord (Luke 1:43). The celebration of this truth in the liturgical act has resulted over the centuries in an even fuller knowledge of Mary’s great dignity.
- ItemMethods of Dogmatic Discourse in the Dispute over the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Exemplified by German Dominican Theologians from the 13th to the 16th Century(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Ferdek, BogdanThe important problem of the publication is expressed by two questions: what method was used by German Dominican theologians who were supporters of the Immaculate Conception? How did the change in method change the view of the Immaculate Conception? The path to solving the problem has three stages. The first of them is a reconstruction of the views on the Immaculate Conception of German Dominican theologians. The next stage examines these views in terms of the method used. The final stage is a critical look at the methods used by Dominican supporters of the Immaculate Conception. The method used in the article consists of: systematization of the views of German Dominicans, analysis of the methods used by them and a discourse on the methods of the supporters of the Immaculate Conception with the opponent of this opinion, St. Thomas Aquinas. The change of method, from the scholastic method to the liturgical method (lex orandi – lex credendi), the argument from congruity (ex convenientia), and typological exegesis, has led a few Dominican theologians to the opinion that Mary was preserved or purified from original sin, or that she was conceived without original sin. The methods used by Dominican supporters of the Immaculate Conception have weaknesses. They resemble a circumstantial trial, which provides a high degree of probability, but not proof. This weakness of the methods is exposed by the discourse of these methods with the scholastic method of St. Thomas. This discourse results in the postulate of reinterpreting the Immaculate Conception. We should return to the biblical term “sanctification” and explain that Mary was saved by a more sublime sanctification. This would prevent the immaculate conception of Jesus from being equated with the immaculate conception of Mary. Only Jesus is Immaculate because He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and His Mother, conceived by Joachim and Anna, was saved by a more sublime sanctification.
- ItemMariology in the Documents of Ecumenical Dialogue and Christian Unity(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Napiórkowski, AndrzejEcumenical dialogues that seek to bring all followers of Christ closer to unity face many difficulties. One of them is the wrong understanding of ecumenism (doctrinal, spiritual and practical). Also an obstacle is the lack of distinction between the unity of Christians and the unity of the Churches. This article undertakes the presentation of another such difficulty in the path of Christian unity, which is the Mariological (doctrinal) and Marian (worship/devotion) issues. Ecumenical meetings, therefore, do not avoid such difficult topics concerning the Mother of the Lord, such as her virginity, Immaculate Conception, Assumption or her role as Mother of the Church. Many Christian traditions have different interpretations of these truths. Catholic and Orthodox communities even consider them an inalienable part of their spiritual heritage, while most Protestant communities have a more nuanced approach and do not accept these truths as binding, but reject them. A compilation of the documents to date relating to the Mother of God proves to be a big, positive surprise. Of course, these are writings of varying degrees of validity, as they come as much from international mixed official commissions as from national bilateral bodies or local debates. Nevertheless, both their prominence and impact, as well as their quantity, make it clear that the person and action of the Mother of Jesus nevertheless animates and strengthens the difficult rapprochement of the followers of her Divine Son.
- ItemThe Position of the General Chapters of the Dominican Brothers Towards the Teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Question of Immaculate Conception(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Nawracała, TomaszThe doctrine of Thomas Aquinas was formally adopted as the official teaching of the entire Dominican Order. Throughout the 13th and 14th centuries, general chapters placed significant emphasis on the importance of adhering to Aquinas’ views. They were deemed essential not only to maintain continuity within the orthodox tradition of the Church but also to foster unity within the entire order. Among the topics that sparked debate among medieval theologians was the conception of Mary. While Bernard of Clairvaux and the Dominicans rejected the idea of Mary’s immaculate conception, the Franciscans, led by figures like John Duns Scotus, advocated for it. This article highlights the stance taken by the Dominican general chapters in defence of Thomas’ views. Initially, in the 14th century, there were general indications supporting the maculistic understanding of Mary’s conception, but this stance shifted over time. By the 15th century, the Dominicans were compelled to embrace the immaculistic concept. The delayed promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary in the mid-19th century underscores the complexity and unresolved nature of theological discussions throughout the medieval period.