Informator o zbiorze rękopisów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej KUL
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Wydawnictwo KUL
This paper presents the complete manuscript collection of the Library of the Catholic University of Lublin. It shows the number of manuscripts, the time and place of using the collections as well as the inventories and catalogues of the manuscripts both handwritten, in a typescript form and printed. It also includes the published studies concerning the Manuscript Section of the University Library. Next, the work discusses the history of the manuscript collection of the University Library since the creation of the library in 1918 to the present. It presents the characteristics of the mentioned manuscripts, including larger collections (the collections listed here are the ones of Zygmunt Klukowski’s, Count Jerzy Moszyński’s, Wilhelm von Raumer’s, Stanisław Skibiński’s, Jan Stecki’s, the Rev. Bronisław Ussas’s and the Rev. Ignacy Wierobiej’s), municipal archive materials (mainly royal documents of the city of Lublin, some guild documents, numerous and various ecclesiastical documents, family archive documents (including the Suffczyńskis, the Steckis, the Czosnowskis), the archives of institutions and magazine publishers (including archive materials of different districts of the Home Army and other underground organizations, some political parties, for example the Labour Party, National Party), the archives of associations and societies (mainly the archive of Philomath Society containing Adam Mickiewicz’s autographs) and the legacy of those listed in alphabetical order, as well as other manuscripts, especially the ones of historical value. The data are supplemented with the bibliography for each collection.
biblioteka, KUL, zbiory, rękopis, library, repertory, manuscript
„Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne”, 2011, T. 96, s. 57-74