Inwentarz kościoła parafialnego w Kiwatyczach z 1853 roku

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Wydawnictwo KUL
Prużana (now the Republic of Belarus) dates back to the early sixteenth century. For over four centuries the parish was part of several dioceses. First it was in the Diocese of Lutsk. In 1798, as a result of the Tsarist Russian legislation it was moved to the Diocese of Vilnius. When in 1925 the Diocese of Pinsk came into existence under the edict of Pope Pius XI Vixdum Poloniae unitas , the parish Kiwatycze became part of it. The inventory of the church in Kiwatycze, made due to the fact that the parish was taken over by Rev. Tomasz Lenczewski, after the death of Rev. Mikołaj Bogdanowicz, illustrates the history of the parish church, its interior décor, sacred vessels and vestments, registry books, the state of the parish library, parish presbytery and farm buildings, a landed estate and the population residing in the parish. The facts included in the inventory were consistent with the actual state of the parish, which was confirmed by the signature and stamp of Rev. Witalis Gąsiewski – the Dean of Prużana.
Ukraina, diecezja łucka, inwentarz, Ukraine, diocese od Luck, inventory
„Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne”, 2013, T. 99, s. 317-333