Prace Ośrodka Archiwów Bibliotek i Muzeów Kościelnych w zakresie dokumentowania zbiorów bibliotek klasztornych
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Wydawnictwo KUL
One of the statutory tasks of the Centre for Church Archives Libraries and Museums is to gather and organise materials of Church provenance. The most valuable materials are microfilmed and digitized in the documentary studio. So far, the most important materials from the below mentioned libraries have been microfilmed in the Centre for Church Archives Libraries and Museums: the Pauline Fathers’ library in Jasna Góra, the Cistercians’ library in Mogilno, the Carmelite Nuns’ library in Crakow, the Poor Clares’ library in Stary Sącz and Crakow, the Visitandines’ library in Crakow, the Benedictine monks’ library in Tyniec and the Benedictine nuns’ library in Przemyśl and Staniątki, the library of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem in Miechów and the Norbertine Sisters’ library in Imbramowice. The Centre for Church Archives Libraries and Museums also organizes symposia on book collections of the Church. Reports and papers delivered in symposia are printed in a semi-annual magazine „Church Archives Libraries and Museums.” The magazine also contains the catalogues of monastic libraries and monographs on individual libraries.
klasztor, zbiory biblioteczne, dokumentacja, monastery, library collection, documents
„Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne”, 2013, T. 99, s. 19-28