The Biblical Annals, 2020, Tom 10 (67), Nr 2
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- ItemChristoph Berner - Manuel Schäfer – Martin Schott – Sarah Shulz – Martina Weingärtner (eds.), Clothing and Nudity in the Hebrew Bible (T&T Clark: London – New York – Oxford 2019)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Rambiert-Kwaśniewska, AnnaBook Review: Christoph Berner - Manuel Schäfer – Martin Schott – Sarah Shulz – Martina Weingärtner (eds.), Clothing and Nudity in the Hebrew Bible (T&T Clarc: London – New York – Oxford 2019)
- ItemPeter Altmann, Banned Birds. The Birds of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 (Archaeology and Bible 1; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2019)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Targoński, Mateusz JanBook Review: Peter Altmann, Banned Birds. The Birds of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 (Archaeology and Bible 1; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2019)
- ItemE se Osea non fosse esistito davvero…? Il neostoricismo negli studi biblici contemporanei – prospettive e inquietudini(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Zawadzki, ArnoldL’articolo presenta un’approfondita revisione del libro di James M. Bos Reconsidering the Date and the Provenance of the Book of Hosea. The Case for the Persian-Period Yehud, sullo sfondo del problema del neostoricismo negli studi biblici. Dopo aver tracciato una breve panoramica sul fenomeno del neostoricismo in generale (la sua genesi e il suo successivo sviluppo nel corso degli anni), viene discusso l’approccio di Bos in base al confronto con tali premesse ideologico-filosofiche. A tal proposito viene presentata in modo dettagliato l’intera struttura del libro di Bos, assieme alla valutazione critica dell’argomentazione da lui addotta. L’autore dell’articolo ritiene che l’approccio neostoricista alla Bibbia sia del tutto soggettivo e sbagliato, in quanto assolutizza un principio filosofico e non lascia spazio per caso, dubbio o fede.
- ItemProblematyka żydowska w Biblii księdza Jakuba Wujka z 1599 roku Studium źródeł(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Pietkiewicz, RajmundThe author, on the basis of the study of the commentaries and prefaces to Wujek’s Bible of 1599, depicts the image of the Jews, their language and their customs as it was presented by Jakub Wujek and his contemporaneous fellow Jesuits. The author refers to the sources of the information contained in Wujek’s Bible, evaluates it in the context of the religious situation in the Renaissance Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and attempts at establishing the realm and power of the influence it had on readers.
- ItemMichael Riffaterre’s ‘Interpretant’ Reinterpreted An Approach for the Hypertextual Reading of Wisdom and Romans(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Krawczyk, Mateusz AndrzejBible exegesis is dealing at times with the accusation of superficial implementation of methods from various fields of science and of disrespect for the theological character of the Bible in hermeneutical and methodological presuppositions. This accusation can be directed also towards the many uses of intertextuality in biblical scholarship. The article challenges this situation and proposes what has been called a ‘theological model of intertextual interpretation’ – an approach based on literary theory of the ‘interpretant’ as understood by Michaele Riffaterre – that tends to respect more fully the theological character of the biblical text. After a detailed description of the approach and its methodological elements, the second part of the article deals with an example of the application of thereof – an intertextual exegesis of Rom 2:7 and Wis 2:23; Wis 6:18.19.