Review of European and Comparative Law, 2019, Vol. 36, No. 1
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- ItemThe Legal Instruments Of Protection Of The Environment In A Spa Commune On Poland(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Woźniak, MartaThe author has undertaken to classify the legal instruments of environmental protection of a health resort municipality (a spa commune) in Poland, regarding the aspect of their impacting the state of protection of the natural environment. A spa commune has at its disposal a catalogue of its own tasks, which is complemented by those connected with maintaining medicinal functions of the spa and with meeting the requirements of the environment. The analysis of the content of regulations of law on environmental protection allows the conclusion that in relation to spas there are no – in principle – separate legal norms which regulate questions connected with the protection of the environment. While identifying the legal instruments of environmental protection, it was necessary to take into account a few normative areas, on the basis of which the following groups of instruments were distinguished: regulatory and “police” type, planning, and control and financial. In the study, some selected legal and comparative aspects were also taken into consideration.
- ItemClimate Change Impact On The Human Right To Environmental Conditions Of A Specified Quality (safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment): Some International Environmental Law Issues(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Sushyk, Olha; Shompol, OlenaThis article discusses recognition between climate change and human rights at the international level. The analysis shows that despite the UN climate change framework does not adequately address the magnitude of the threat posed by climate change related harm to human rights, domestic, regional or international courts must take account of its provisions in deciding cases. The article argues that the causes for climate cases are diverse, whereby the most often ones are those referring to the competent public authority’s failure to fulfil its obligation to regulate limitations of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Further identify the links between human rights and environmental protection, were apparent at least from the first international conference on the human environment, held in Stockholm in 1972. More broadly, it demonstrates international environmental agreements, were some aspects of the right to environmental conditions of a specified quality are identify. This article discusses also theoretical issues of individual environmental rights and the right to environmental safety in Ukraine.
- ItemLegal Determinants For Animal Slaughtering With Particular Focus On Ritual Slaughter Under Polish And Estonian Legislation(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Spasowska-Czarny, HannaTzw. ubój rytualny należy do podstawowych zasad religijnych wyznawców judaizmu oraz islamu. Istotnym wymiarem wolności religijnej jest swoboda wypełniania aktów modlitewnych i kultycznych w wymiarze prywatnym i publicznym. A więc, jest to także składanie ofiar i pozyskiwanie mięsa zgodnie z tradycją, co w przypadku wyznawców judaizmu (szchita) i islamu (halal) wiąże się z praktyką uboju rytualnego. W państwach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej od 1 stycznia 2013 r. obowiązuje rozporządzenie Rady (WE) nr 1099/2009 z 24 września 2009 r. w sprawie ochrony zwierząt podczas uśmiercania. Na jego podstawie zwierzęta mają być uśmiercane wyłącznie po uprzednim ogłuszeniu, zgodnie z metodami i szczegółowymi wymogami związanymi ze stosowaniem tych metod określonych w załączniku nr 1. Analiza przepisów prawa międzynarodowego wskazuje, że choć prawo międzynarodowe zezwala na swobodne praktykowanie kultu religijnego i związanych z nim obrzędów, to ustawodawca krajowy samodzielnie i indywidualnie reguluje treść tego prawa przy uwzględnieniu panujących w danym państwie obyczajów, zasad i wartości, a także ustawodawstwa mającego na celu ochronę zwierząt.
- ItemThe Specificity of Legal Subjects In Polish and Italian Environmental Protection Law(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Rakoczy, BartoszIt should be noted that both the Polish lawmaker and Italian lawmaker are aware of the specificity of legal subjects in the public domain. They can see that public administration bodies and public institutions cannot be described in normative terms, definitions and expressions used in legal language. New criteria for their separate treatment are needed. In addition, it is justified to treat them separately from all public administration bodies and public subjects. This only serves as proof of the rank and significance of such authorities.
- ItemImplementation of The Paris Agreement In Poland. Theory And Practice(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Radecka, Ewa; Nawrot, FilipThe main aim of this paper is to describe the legal instruments of climate protection in Poland. This issue is significant, because for several decades, climate changes and climate protection have been the object of legal regulation, both international, European and domestic. The conducted analysis concerns three main legal acts: the Act of 27 April 2001 – Environmental Protection Law, the Act of 9 June 2011 – the Geological and Mining Law as regards CCS, and the Act of 20 February 2015 on Renewable energy (including, to a certain extent, regulations of the Act of 20 May 2016 on Investments in wind power plants). The paper closes with evaluation of present regulations and formulation of de lege ferenda proposals.