The Biblical Annals, 2019, Tom 9 (66), Nr 4
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- ItemAn Introductory Bibliography for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls Text Editions and Tools for Study(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Drawnel, Henryk JózefThe present article contains an introductory bibliography for the use of students of the Dead Sea Scrolls. It focuses on the editions of the manuscripts and additional exegetical tools as well as resources necessary in initial and further research. Short notes added to some entries are intended to help the interested reader to get acquainted with the content and relevance of a particular publication. The second part of the article includes an updated list of archeological, philological and bibliographical sources needed for a proper exegetical approach to the scrolls.
- ItemBartosz Adamczewski, The Gospel of Luke. A Hypertextual Commentary (European Studies in Theology, Philosophy and History of Religions 13) (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition 2016)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Mielcarek, Krzysztof WojciechBook Review: Bartosz Adamczewski, The Gospel of Luke. A Hypertextual Commentary (European Studies in Theology, Philosophy and History of Religions 13) (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition 2016).
- ItemBiblical Studies in Poland in the Context of Current Tendencies SBL Meeting, Berlin, 7-11 of August, 2018(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Wróbel, Mirosław StanisławSprawozdanie: Biblical Studies in Poland in the Context of Current Tendencies. SBL Meeting, Berlin, 7-11 of August, 2018
- ItemHerbert Niehr (ed.), The Arameans in Ancient Syria (Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section I, Ancient Near East 106; Leiden: Brill 2014).(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Drawnel, Henryk JózefBook Review: Herbert Niehr (ed.), The Arameans in Ancient Syria (Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section I, Ancient Near East 106; Leiden: Brill 2014).
- ItemJared C. Calaway, The Sabbath and the Sanctuary. Access to God in the Letter to the Hebrews and its Priestly Context (WUNT 2/349; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Malina, ArturBook Review: Jared C. Calaway, The Sabbath and the Sanctuary. Access to God in the Letter to the Hebrews and its Priestly Context (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe 349; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013).
- ItemMichael Wolter, The Gospel According to Luke: Volume I (Luke 1–9:50) [Baylor-Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity] (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press 2016)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Mielcarek, Krzysztof WojciechThe paper is a review of the two-volume-work of Michael Wolter. English version of his commentary is a valuable work directed to biblical scholars as well as students and wider groups of readers. The analysis focuses especially on the introduction: i.e. the concept of the commentary, its general structure, both author’s and reader’s identity, as well as the theological vision of the Lukan work. The formal feature of the commentary is also evaluated. The last part of the paper gives few examples of Wolter’s approach toward particular pericopes along with some critical observations concerning minor deficiencies or disputable solutions.
- ItemResurrection and the Renewal of Creation(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Wright, Nicholas ThomasThe notion of resurrection has been strangely absent from much popular, as well as academic, Christian thinking in the west. For most, ‘going to heaven’ is the ultimate aim, rather than the biblical ‘new heavens and new earth’, promises rooted in the vision of God as good creator and wise judge. Paul and John expound a vision of new creation, starting with Jesus’ own resurrection. The church’s mission is to model and implement this new creation in the present, not least in working for justice and beauty, ahead of the final renewal which remains God’s own work.
- ItemThe Resurrection Sets the Agenda Eschatology for a Post-Modern World(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Doedens, JaapIn this article, firstly I discuss why it is important to have an exegetically sound biblical view on the resurrection for the attractiveness of the church. To attain this, theology – in both the Catholic and the Protestant tradition – should change its approach of eschatology as focusing on “going to heaven when you die” to a view of “participating in a new creation”. Secondly, I will give some examples of how the biblical message about the resurrection thus understood can make the mission of the church strong enough to have its own relevant and attractive alternative narrative in a world of competing narratives.
- ItemResurrections before the Resurrection in the Imaginaire of Late Antiquity(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Shanzer, DanutaThis paper is a study of transformations and mutations of a natural human desire, to be buried in one grave with one’s beloved. Most partners don’t die simultaneously, and burial-practices needed to provide flexibility for the dead and for the living. At the same time, religions had Views about the grave and the afterlife, and about the survival of the individual. Judaism and especially Christianity featured an astonishing doctrine, the Resurrection of the Flesh. Starting from Roman antiquity and in its epitaphic practices, the paper analyzes an intriguing early 4th C. Gallic poem, the Carmen de Laudibus Domini and its account of how the corpse of a dead woman was momentarily reanimated to greet her husband’s corpse. The poem reworks the resurrection of Lazarus with a little help from Juvencus. But a crucial (and unrecognized) source is (perhaps indirectly) Tertullian’s De Anima. These texts somehow generated a Late Antique urban legend about the mini-Resurrections of lovers’ bodies than can be traced into the central Middle Ages and beyond. It proved astonishingly lively and adaptable—to mariages blancs, to homosocial monastic situations, and to grave robbery, to name a few. This deeply sentimental legend needed to elbow aside darker phenomena, charnel (and also erotic) horrors from the pagan past, including zombies, vampires, and revenants, in order to preach its Christian message and help lovers who had been separated by death. Such resurrections were a down-payments on The Resurrection.
- ItemRichard Bauckham – James R. Davila – Alexander Panayotov (eds.), Old Tes- tament Pseudepigrapha: More Noncanonical Scriptures, Volume One (Grand Rapids, MI – Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans 2013)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Drawnel, Henryk JózefBook Review: Richard Bauckham – James R. Davila – Alexander Panayotov (eds.), Old Tes- tament Pseudepigrapha: More Noncanonical Scriptures, Volume One (Grand Rapids, MI – Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans 2013).
- ItemSpołeczne i prawne normy dotyczące obcych i przybyszów w Biblii hebrajskiej(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Briks, Piotr MieszkoW fundamentalnej dla przyszłości Europy dyskusji na temat zjawiska masowej migracji ludności z Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki północnej ważkim argumentem stały się fragmenty z Biblii. Już sam fakt, że środowiska najczęściej lewicowe i niechętnie lub wręcz wrogo odnoszące się do religii posługują się argumentami religijnymi każe spojrzeć na sprawę ze szczególną uwagą i wyjątkowo poważnie rozważać prezentowane argumenty. Fragmenty odnoszące się do przyjmowania obcych/przybyszów pochodzą w dużej części z ksiąg Starego Testamentu. Warto więc przeanalizować je w kontekście całości nauczania Biblii hebrajskiej na problem norm dotyczących obcych i przybyszów. Autor przytacza 12 fragmentów bezpośrednio odnoszonych do problemu przyjmowania lub nieprzyjmowania uchodźców (Wj 22,20; 23,9.12; Kpł 19,33–34; Pwt 1,16; 10,18–19; 24,14; Ml 3,5; Iz 1,17; Za 7,10; Jr 7,6–7; Hi 31,32, Ps 146,6 oraz przykłady gościnności wobec obcych takie jak wizyta aniołów u Abrahama i Lota, gościna Lewity u starca w Gibea). Teksty te pochodzą z różnych okresów historii Izraela i z różnych tradycji teologicznych, mogłyby być więc traktowane jako reprezentatywne dla nauczania Biblii hebrajskiej w tym temacie. Nie jest to jednak obraz kompletny, a jedynie nakazy i normy odnoszące się do obcego określanego terminem ger i konsekwentnie tłumaczonego przez „obcy” bardzo często w liczbie mnogiej. Analiza znaczenia tego pojęcia, zasadności używania w tłumaczeniach liczby mnogiej (kiedy w oryginale jest pojedyncza) oraz uzupełnienie powyższego zestawienia o inne terminy używane w BH na określenie obcych czy przybyszów prowadzi do zaskakujących wniosków.
- ItemWitnesses of the Resurrected Messiah Luke’s Presentation of the Main Theological Theme of the Acts of the Apostles, with Particular Emphasis on the Narrative of Paul’s Missionary Activity(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Kucicki, JanuszThe dominant classification of Acts as the history of the early Christian Church whose main aim is to present the spread of the nascent movement from a less important part of the Roman Empire (Judea) to the very heart of the Empire (Rome), seems to be supported by Ac 1, 8 which is often taken as a kind of very general a table of contents. However, the rather unexpected end of Acts (a short and laconic account regarding Paul’s period in Rome), and Luke’s approach to and use of his sources, allow us to assume that Luke was aiming rather at a great story involving some main hearos and many other participants than are involved in just one thematic story. Following this assumption, based on the content of Acts, it is possible to individuate two main heroes (Peter and Paul) whose fate is somehow connected with many other persons that are also involved in giving witness to Jesus the Resurrected Messiah. In this study we look at Acts as the story concerning the two the most important witnesses, Peter and Paul, in order to determine their contribution to establishing the structural and doctrinal foundation of the New Israel.