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- ItemDocenić macierzyństwo(Instytut Papieża Jana Pawła II, 2015) Kornas-Biela, Dorota
- ItemDziecko prenatalne jako przedmiot zainteresowań psychologicznych organizacji i stowarzyszeń naukowych(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2001) Kornas-Biela, DorotaThe article proposes using the term "prenatal child” for a child in the intrauterine (womb) stage of life. Cultural-social context of development of interest in the child before it is born as well as trends in psychology itself that have started development of prenatal psychology are presented. It is a dynamically developing branch of psychology, which is expressed, among others, in the existence of scientific societies, conferences, courses and publications (at various levels scientific of advancement) the proceedings of four societies are presented in detail: those of International Society of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (ISPPPM), The Association for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH), Organisation Mondiale des Associations pour l’Education Prénatale. (OMAEP) and its local Italian section - Associazione Nazionale per I'Educazione Prénatale (ANEP-ltalia). The discussed issues are covered in two specialist magazines: ‘'International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine” and “Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health” Scientific and training centres arc functioning; some of them that are well-known in Europe arc presented in greater detail. Also the situation has been presented of prenatal psychology development in Poland, Professor Fijalkowski’s pioneer work, publications by D. Kornas-Biela, the work of the Section of Prenatal Psychology of the Polish Psychological Society and the organisations that popularise knowledge from this sphere, like Polish Federation of Movements for Life that publishes the Voice for Life (Głos dla Życia) magazine and numerous educational materials; Defenders of Human Life Association publishing the magazine "Service to Life” (Służba Życiu); Human Life International-Europe that runs training, congresses, publishing work and with whose co-operation the Foundation Club of Friends of Human Life works (it publishes “The Facts of Eile”) as well as the organisation Seminarians for Life (publishing the Polish edition of the "Seminarians for Life International Newsletter”); Association for Natural Childbirth and Feeding that runs information and training meetings, conferences, courses of child delivering personal and phone guidance and the Give Birth in the Human Way Foundation. In the conclusion of the article also a methodological reflection on prenatal psychology is contained, it discusses its actual and model status, interdisciplinary character, the variety of paradigms functioning in its area, the dominance of clinical problems and the “schizophrenic" attitudes of the authors whose moral conviction about the mother's right to decide about the late of the unborn child is stronger than the reliable information about its status as a human being and its development. It turns out that knowledge from the sphere of prenatal psychology may, but does not have to, shape attitudes protecting life before it is born.
- ItemEl programa de educación preescolar según la concepción pedagógica del beato Edmundo Bojanowski(Wydawnictwo Werset, 2021) Opiela, Maria Loyola; Kaput, Małgorzata; Piekarz, Edyta; Kornobis, Agnieszka; Zymróz, Zofia; Chudzik, StanisławaEl programa de educación preescolar según la concepción pedagógica del beato Edmundo Bojanowski tiene como objetivo la educación integral y el pleno desarrollo del niño a la luz de los valores cristianos para luego facilitarlo a los docentes que tienen sus objetivos educativos convergentes con el mismo. El programa de educación preescolar, como una descripción plena de las tareas educativas y didácticas, está orientado hacia la persona del niño, teniendo en cuenta su individualidad, la especificidad de su desarrollo, las necesidades de atención y toda la historia de sus experiencias socioculturales. Las tareas educativas y didácticas del docente constituyen una parte integral del programa. Los contenidos educativos y didácticos, así como los contenidos asistenciales para determinadas áreas del desarrollo infantil, se han desarrollado sobre la base de objetivos detallados. El programa puede aplicarse como un programa principal o de apoyo en diversos tipos de escuelas infantiles y en la educación en el hogar, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades y las capacidades de desarrollo del niño.
- ItemKatecheza – bierzmowanie – niepełnosprawność intelektualna(Kielce: Wyd. Jedność, 2023) Kiciński, AndrzejPolscy katechetycy i katecheci odrzucają dwie przeciwstawne postawy: pierwsze założenie sugerujące, że osoby z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną powinny osiągnąć taki sam poziom świadomości i wiedzy, jak inni sprawni i ochrzczeni; drugie założenie sugerujące, że katechizowanie osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną nie jest w ogóle możliwe. Podstawowym założeniem koncepcji katechezy jest zapewnienie osobom z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną możliwości zapoznania się z tajemnicą Jezusa Chrystusa. Polscy katecheci podkreślają trudność w trafnej ocenie stopnia możliwości psychicznych czy intelektualnych osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Ponadto trudno jest ustalić, jakie zdolności komunikacyjne posiadają te osoby. Dlatego też trudna (a nawet całkowicie niemożliwa) jest ocena zdolności duchowych osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, w szczególności w odniesieniu do osób z głęboką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. W rzeczywistości w katechezie osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną nic nie dzieje się automatycznie. Dlatego też w przygotowaniu osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną do przyjęcia sakramentów bardzo ważna jest cierpliwość i akcentowanie spraw najistotniejszych. Skupienie uwagi na podstawowych kwestiach chrześcijaństwa nie oznacza odrzucenia innych elementów ewangelicznego przesłania. Polish catechists reject two opposing attitudes as follows: the first assumption suggesting, that persons with intellectual disability should achieve the same level of awareness and knowledge, as other fit and able baptised persons; the second assumption suggesting, that it is not at all possible to catechise persons with intellectual disability. The primary assumption of the concept of catechesis is, that persons with intellectual disability should be provided with possibility to familiarise with the mystery of Jesus Christ. Polish catechists emphasize the difficulty to evaluate accurately the degree of psychological or intellectual capabilities of persons with intellectual disability. Moreover, it is difficult to establish what communication capabilities those persons possess. That is why it is hard (or even completely impossible) to evaluate spiritual capabilities of persons with intellectual disability, in particular regarding persons with profound intellectual disability. In fact, nothing will happen automatically in catechesis for persons with intellectual disability. Thus, patience and stressing the most essential matters are of significant importance while preparing persons with intellectual disability for receiving sacraments. Focussing attention on the basic issues of Christianity does not involve rejection of other elements of evangelical message.
- ItemMedia częściowo aktywnym aktorem sceny politycznej(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2008) Łukasik-Turecka, Agnieszka
- ItemOsoba niepełnosprawna, chora, cierpiąca: nauczanie Jana Pawła II(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2000) Kornas-Biela, DorotaA significant feature of John Paul H’s pontificate is its direction towards man and family that struggle against the problem of suffering, disease and disability. He constantly speaks about them and to them, reminding the world about their dignity, value and rights. He stresses the inborn value of a disabled person, i.e. the fact that lack of health or a handicap, independently of its kind or degree, is not able to infringe his essential personal structure, the human spirit that enlivens him. Even a most disabled person is not different from others as far as the personal plane is concerned. This is why he is entitled to enjoy the inborn and inviolable human rights, and because of his limitations he has special rights and the community has special obligations to him. In the supernatural aspect a disabled man is God's sign, His “image”, he has the stamp of His creative power in himself. It was God who called him into being. Hence each moment of a person who is even most deeply handicapped is worth living as every spark of life is supported and ennobled by God Himself. Each “particle of life” is designed to be resurrected. In the history of salvation a disabled person takes the first place, because he is closest to the Cross. United to Christ through suffering he becomes a co-redeemer of the world. His suffering was redeemed and he himself is a tool for redeeming the world. His role in redeeming the world is priceless (“the weight of gold”). Like every person, he was called into being “by the name”; he has his own and unique vocation in his life, including vocation to give and get love, to sainthood and to joy. He is also called to find the meaning of suffering, accepting it and treating it as a gift of love to others and to the Church (e.g. as a mission gesture). The parents of a disabled child face especially important tasks as in the light of faith they have to discover the meaning of the mystery of their suffering and to gain the conviction that God wants their child for Himself and that the child is also for them His gift. In the context of the epoch appraising life through the amount of pleasure, of things one owns, through abilities and prestige, the epoch that resorts to abortion and euthanasia in order to get rid of suffering, a disabled man is a special challenge. He gives testimony to accidental character of the human being, to the weakness of the human condition that is susceptible to disease, suffering and death. His presence reminds one of how fragile and elusive life is; of the fact that it is a value that has to be used competently, that has to be cared for and respected. It teaches others that suffering may be accepted without a loss of dignity and it directs one to higher values and to supernaturality. On the other hand, in people surrounding him he releases solidary and charitable love contributing to his sanctification, as by serving the suffering man they serve Jesus Himself. The Holy Father has based his whole pontificate on the valuable aid from the ones that are weak in the human sense but through their suffering they become like Christ and they are strong by virtue of His strength. This is why he keeps asking them for prayers and for sacrificing their sufferings and in various ways he expresses his gratitude to them for those spiritual gifts.
- ItemPoglądy na naukę czytania w edukacji przedszkolnej na podstawie ustaw, rozporządzeń i treści programowych w latach 1970-2020(Wydawnictwo Episteme, 2024) Borowska, Barbara
- ItemPokój Tobie, Przyjacielu!(Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne i Drukarnia w Sandomierzu, 2008) Kornas-Biela, Dorota
- ItemPoród jako wieloaspektowe doświadczenie(Instytut Papieża Jana Pawła II, 2015) Kornas-Biela, Dorota; Surma, Natalia
- ItemPowierzyć dziecko kobiecie – przedwieczny zamysł Ojca(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2009) Kornas-Biela, Dorota
- ItemPreschool education programme based on the pedagogical conception by Bl. Edmund Bojanowski(Wydawnictwo Werset, 2021) Opiela, Maria Loyola; Kaput, Małgorzata; Piekarz, Edyta; Kornobis, Agnieszka; Zymróz, Zofia; Chudzik, StanisławaThe objective of the Preschool education programme based on the pedagogical conception of Bl. Edmund Bojanowski is the integral upbringing, education and comprehensive development of the child, anchored in the Christian system of values. A corollary objective is to make the Programme available to teachers who subscribe to its underlying assumptions and objectives. As a complete description of the educational and didactic tasks the Programme is oriented on a child as a person, taking into account his/her individuality, specificity of development, care needs and the whole social and cultural background. The Programme integrates the educational, caring and didactic efforts of the teacher. The educational, upbringing and care-related content for each area of child development was developed based on specific pedagogical objectives. The Programme is complemented with an essential component – the procedures of its evaluation. The Programme also covers a section devoted to work with the family. It constitutes a proposal of permanent cooperation and mutual exchange of values and experiences, supporting the process of integral development, education and care for the child.
- ItemProgram prokreacji ekologicznej i afirmacji życia Włodzimierza Fijałkowskiego jako realizacja wytycznych Karty praw rodziny(Wydawnictwo Episteme, 2024) Kornas-Biela, Dorota
- ItemProgram wychowania przedszkolnego według koncepcji pedagogicznej bł. Edmunda Bojanowskiego(Wydawnictwo Werset, 2021) Opiela, Maria Loyola; Kaput, Małgorzata; Piekarz, Edyta; Kornobis, Agnieszka; Zymróz, Zofia; Chudzik, StanisławaCelem Programu wychowania przedszkolnego według koncepcji pedagogicznej bł. Edmunda Bojanowskiego jest integralne wychowanie i pełny rozwój dziecka, w odniesieniu do chrześcijańskiego systemu wartości oraz jego udostępnienie dla nauczycieli, dla których cele wychowania są zbieżne z niniejszym programem. Jako pełny opis zadań wychowawczych i dydaktycznych program ten jest zorientowany na osobę dziecka z uwzględnieniem jego indywidualności, specyfiki rozwoju, potrzeb opiekuńczych i całej dotychczasowej historii jego doświadczeń społeczno-kulturowych. Integralną częścią programu jest praca wychowawcza, opiekuńcza i dydaktyczna nauczyciela. Treści wychowawczo-dydaktyczne i opiekuńcze do poszczególnych obszarów rozwoju dziecka zostały opracowane na podstawie szczegółowych celów. Program można realizować jako wiodący lub wspomagający w różnego typu przedszkolach, placówkach opiekuńczo-wychowawczych oraz w edukacji domowej, uwzględniając potrzeby i możliwości rozwojowe dziecka.
- ItemProgramme éducatif préscolaire selon la conception pédagogique du bx Edmond Bojanowski(Wydawnictwo Werset, 2021) Opiela, Maria Loyola; Kaput, Małgorzata; Piekarz, Edyta; Kornobis, Agnieszka; Zymróz, Zofia; Chudzik, StanisławaLe but du programme éducatif préscolaire selon la conception pédagogique du bienheureux E. Bojanowski est l’éducation intégrale et le plein développement de l’enfant, en référence au système de valeur chrétien ainsi que sa mise à disposition pour les enseignants dont les buts éducatifs sont convergents avec le programme ci-après. Le programme qui contient la description détaillée des missions éducatives et didactiques, est orienté vers la personne de l’enfant en tenant compte de son individualité, de sa spécificité de son développement, de ses besoins et de toute l’histoire de ses expériences socioculturelles. Il intègre le travail éducatif et didactique de chaque enseignant, ainsi que le soin apporté aux enfants. Les contenus éducatifs, didactiques et de soins pour des domaines particuliers du développement de l'enfant ont été élaborés sur la base des objectifs spécifiques. Le programme peut être mis en œuvre en tant que programme principal ou secondaire dans différents types de maternelles, de garderies et d'instruction à domicile, en tenant compte des besoins et des capacités du développement de l'enfant.
- ItemPrzechodzenie młodzieży z systemu edukacji na rynek pracy w Polsce: analiza kluczowych pojęć dotyczących rynku pracy u młodzieży(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2009) Rożnowski, Bohdan
- ItemPsychologia prenatalna a psychologia rozwojowa. Kilka uwag metodologicznych(Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, 1995) Kornas-Biela, Dorota
- ItemPsychologiczny kontekst rodzenia w domu(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2011) Kornas-Biela, DorotaBirth is one of the major experiences in life, not only for the woman, but also for other persons who participate in it. For the child it is the most important life experience, and its course to a great extent determines the child’s health and functioning in further life. A sudden and total change of environment and habitat may become a trauma if certain conditions for a natural and gentle birth are not fulfilled - which may be the case with medicalized birth at an institution of a hospital. At present, many socio-cultural transformations give rise to the growing popularity of home birth. It is important to be aware of the factors which cause this change in mentality and practices, as they are the motivations for the decision to choose home birth. The choice of the home as a place for childbirth depends firstly on the lack of medical contraindications, as well as on a variety of psychological variables, and home is not a good place for every woman. It should, however, be an alternative to a hospital birth, as it have many advantages for the woman in labour, for the child’s father, and any other persons who accompany the woman, e.g. her older children and midwife. The article focuses on these advantages.
- ItemPsychopedagogiczne aspekty niedożywienia dzieci w prenatalnym okresie rozwoju(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2011) Kornas-Biela, Dorota
- ItemRodzice wobec diagnozy uszkodzenia słuchu u dziecka. Doświadczenia rodziców, pomoc profesjonalistów(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2000) Kornas-Biela, DorotaOne of the important factors in the development of a child, also one that has an impaired hearing, is how he is perceived by his family and what kind of knowledge concerning himself they convey to him. The child's psyche interprets those extra-linguistic signals, which develop or ruin it. The parents' attitude towards the child depends, among others, on the stage of adaptation to the situation of having a deaf child they are at. The time each stage lasts as well as the variety and intensity of the experiences that are characteristic of it is to a large extent individual; and the feelings and emotional problems of one stage may influence the experiences of another. The article discusses the characteristics of each period / The article discusses the characteristics of each period in the child's development and forms of aid from psycho-pedagogical staff. The first period of uncertainty and search for the truth about the child's development problem is characterised by emotional vacillation, “diagnostic fever”, and attempts at looking for verification or falsification of the claim concerning the child’s disability. The second period, the shortest one, but rich in intensive and dramatic emotions, is a shock, which is most often followed by a period in which the diagnosis is rejected or its rightness is doubted, the problem is ousted from the consciousness, and sometimes the behaviour is typical of “therapeutic fever”. The next period, called mourning, is connected with the parents’ sad ness, feeling of being abandoned and misunderstood by the others, passiveness and apathy, concentration on themselves and fear of the future. The long-lasting pain caused by having “such” a child is a source of the parents’ anger with themselves, with the others and with God, and of the feeling that fate is being unfair. The feeling of “enough is enough”, when it is / Such feelings, when they are positively thought over, becomes / become the motive power to look for aid both for the child and for the parents themselves. The slow process of accepting and adapting to the child’s disability begins. Perceiving the child as a priceless gift, perceiving his unique personality traits and abilities, recognising the possibility that he will achieve some aims in his life that are valuable, albeit different from the aims that others may achieve, is a process that may last for years. In the article the conditions are pointed to which make it possible for the parents to more easily and faster pass on to the stage of accepting themselves as a disabled child’s parents (achieving a new identity) and accepting the child. Difficulties are also stressed in the relation parents - professionals. The view propagated in the literature that disabled children’s parents are always broken down, unadjusted, suffering and having improper parental attitudes is not true. Similarly, the child’s disability does not to have to be a threat to its development as a person. On the contrary - both for himself and for his parents the health problem may be a stimulator of his personal development.
- ItemRodzina w opinii młodego pokolenia Polaków(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2000) Kornas-Biela, DorotaThe intensive social-cultural transformation that has been going on in the world in recent years has led to origin of societies called post-industrial, post-modern or post-modernist. The changes threaten maintaining proper structure of family as a community of persons, destroy the foundations of its functioning and challenge its authority and its ability to have an educational influence on the children. On the basis of analysis of nation-wide studies it may be stated that in the nineties of the twentieth century family is the most important value in young Poles' lives; it gives them a meaning; young people’s aspirations and aims are concentrated on it. It is a sort of “broadened personality” and makes various “survival strategies” possible; it plays the role of a nest, an oasis, a sanctuary. It supplies most models for identification, and mother decidedly outdistances youths' idols. Domination of family in the system of values and its connections with other values (e.g. a high appraisal of love, great feelings, friendship) points to family-centrism of young Poles, who at the age of crises and uncertainties connected with the systemic transformation appreciate the small group tied together with strong emotional bonds. They define their relation to their parents as favourable; they include mother to the group of people they trust, respect and on which they may depend if they are in trouble. Unfortunately, they distinctly show a sense of lack of contact with father and his weak position in the family. Mostly they approve of the views of life and upbringing of the children that they derive from their families, although in the families they are going to set up they would like to be more emotionally approachable for their child. So safe support in the family is considered to be the basic aspiration, the condition for accomplishment of the professional, personal and social values, including national ones. However, the mechanisms of transmission of moral values in the family are declining, which is seen in morality that is ever more liberal, situational and independent of religious faith. Considering themselves believers, young people ever more often accept the lay axiological system with respect to the sphere of sexual and marital-family morality. This is a distressing symptom of the changes, as acceptation of subjective and per missive moral principles menaces social order and threatens the life of families.