Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, 2017, T. 108
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- ItemKasata klasztoru Kanoników Regularnych w Kraśniku w 1864 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Zamiatała, DominikMonks’ religious and patriotic activities, their impact on the formation of national consciousness, especially among the rural people, as well as their considerable influence and participation in religious and patriotic manifestations in the early sixties made the tsarist authorities aware of social and political danger connected with the links between monasteries and the Kingdom of Poland. Consequently, parishes, monasteries and monks were put under surveillance. The outbreak of the uprising and the involvement of monks in it gave the Russians a convenient pretext for eliminating them from the sphere of social life through dissolving religious orders. One of these monasteries to which the occupying authorities paid attention was the monastery of the Canons Regular in Kraśnik, where the monks were actively involved in Polish patriotic manifestations, and some of them took an active part in the January Uprising. On 27 November 1864, the occupying authorities, pursuant to the tsarist ukase, dissolved this monastery. It was conducted in accordance with the instructions, prepared by the Russians, on how to take over the monastery – in the presence of the military and local authorities. As a result, some monks were transferred to the Pauline Monastery in Jasna Góra, two monks were left until the church and the parish of Kraśnik had been taken over by diocesan clergy.
- ItemKlasztor kraśnicki od fundacji w 1468 roku do reformy w 1618 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Łatak, KazimierzThe Kraśnik monastery of the Canons Regular in the years 1468-1618 was one of the most important centres of religious and cultural life in the Lublin region. Although there were hardly ever more than twelve monks in the monastery, it was the interior character of the monastery and its exterior activity that increased its importance and role in civilization. The monks conducted their mission through prayer, broadly understood pastoral work, science and education, the promotion of culture and art, almsgiving and various economic initiatives. In pursuit of holiness and apostolate, they encountered both glories and successes, which are reflected in buildings, works of art, books, forms of piety, and monks who rendered great service to the Church and Poland. There were also failures, which in many cases were conditioned by external events such as natural disasters, wars and other circumstances. For the people living nearby, the monastery was always a reference point, contributing to the spiritual, intellectual and material culture of the town and its surroundings, which today is a part of not only Polish and ecclesial but also European Christian civilization. The author presented an outline of the history of the monastery of the Canons Regular in Kraśnik in the first period of its existence, that is from its beginning to 1618. He addressed the following issues: the staffing of the monastery, the organization of monastic life, their pastoral commitment, their contribution to the culture of the region and the finances of the monastery.
- ItemArs predicandi. Wybitni kaznodzieje konwentu kraśnickiego(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Pietrzykowski, JanThe article presents an outline of the issues connected with the Canons Regular preaching, including the profiles of the most outstanding preachers and the topics covered in their sermons. The study of the achievements of the Canons Regular preachers led to the conclusion that, in comparison with other religious orders boasting the most outstanding preachers in their ranks in Poland, the contribution of the Canons Regular of Lateral in this field is not very impressive. They are not among the well-known defenders of the Catholic faith against the attacks of the dissenters, they are not seen among the chaplains at royal or magnate courts either. In addition, the representatives of this order are noticed quite late among the camp’s preachers who played an important role in the military pastoral care. Nevertheless, preachers from the Cracow congregation of the Canons Regular occupied a prominent place among a large number of male orders in the lands of Poland and Lithuania. They were frequently active outside their own abbey or provostries.
- ItemRecenzja]: Cronotassi degli Arcipreti della Basilica Papale Santa Maria Maggiore, a cura di Mons. Michał Jagosz, contributi di Andreas Rehberg [...](Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Prokop, Krzysztof R.Full title: [Recenzja]: Cronotassi degli Arcipreti della Basilica Papale Santa Maria Maggiore, a cura di Mons. Michał Jagosz, contributi di Andreas Rehberg, Giovanni Sicari (biografie e ritrattistica), Vincenzo Parrino (elaborazioni araldiche) (Studia Liberiana. Studie documenti sulla storia della Basilica Papale e del Capitolo di Santa Maria Maggiore. Edizioni Capitolo Liberiano, vol. XI), Roma 2017, ss. 184 [liczne ilustracje]
- ItemProgram ikonograficzny wystroju wnętrza kościoła pw. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny i św. Augustyna w Kraśniku (wiek XVII i XVIII)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Czyż, Anna S.Modern furnishings of the church dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Augustine in Kraśnik were created over three hundred years. However, the oldest trace of the decor from the 16th century is scant. In the first half of the 17th century they were exchanged, and it was at the time when the monastery in Kraśnik joined the Cracow Congregation. The 1630s were particularly important in the creation of the new decor of the church as the following things were founded: choir stalls, including collator ones, paintings by Dolabella as well as the high altar and brotherhood’s one. The above-mentioned elements of the interior were means of conveying the most important themes: canonic (Ordo apostolicus, the patrons of the Cracow Congregation), Passion, Eucharistic, Marian (including SalvatorMundi and MaterMisericordiae) as well as patronal. It cannot be ruled out that intensive artistic investment was connected with the plan to convene the General Chapter in Kraśnik in 1635. In the following decades, especially in the mid-eighteenth centuries, the interior was supplemented and developed, within the aforementioned themes, through the foundations of new altars, a pulpit and paintings in the chancel. Comparing the themes of the church decoration in Krasnik with other churches of the Canons Regular of the Cracow Congregation, it should be noted that they are typical. They referred to monastic life, including the spirituality of the canons and the "primacy" of the congregation, as well as the pastoral ministry being developed on the basis of Passion, Eucharistic and Marian themes. They were presented in the context of the changes taking place in the life of the Church after the Council of Trent, the trend which was also adopted by the Cracow Congregation of Corpus Christi, which co-created a new model of the sacred art in the Republic of Poland.
- Item„Regestrum Perceptorum et Expositorum Proventuum Venerabilis Capituli Cracoviensis” – księgi rachunkowe Kapituły Katedralnej w Krakowie z lat 1513-1812 (sygn. R.Cap.1-R.Cap.145)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Zych, EwelinaThe Archive of the Cracow Chapter contains a series of 160 account books (from the first half of the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century). The first 145 books refer to modern times. A dozen or so books concern the 19th and early 20th centuries, and the oldest book dates back to 1513. These account books were produced by the procurators of the Chapter, later – officials subordinate to them. The books contain information on the expenses related to the property of the Chapter (houses, villages, manors, landed property), individual canons, liturgy celebrated in the Cathedral (both daily and such celebrations as funerals of bishops or royal coronations), remuneration for people working for the Chapter (e.g. notaries, procurators, rectors of the cathedral school). In addition, any renovations, changes in the equipment of the cathedral and the chapter buildings were carefully recorded in them. Due to the amount and variety of information, the account books are a mine of knowledge for historians, art historians and conservators; however, these books have sporadically been used by researchers so far. There are many similarities in the account books that make up the series, which is why the same form was used for their description; it was only slightly modified over the decades. In the collection marked with the reference number R.Cap., there are other account books concerning only some of the Chapter activities such as expenses for the cathedral sacristy, the sums stored in the treasury and rough drafts.
- ItemKlasztor w Kraśniku w przekazie Jana Długosza(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Graff, TomaszThe author analyzes the information about Kraśnik and the monastery in Kraśnik included in Długosz's works, with particular emphasis on "Liber Beneficiorum". Długosz's source is certainly a valuable supplement to other manuscripts related to the original endowment of the monastery of the Canons Regular of Lateran, who came to Kraśnik from Kazimierz (near Cracow), from the Corpus Christi Monastery. Długosz, however, made smaller and larger mistakes, so his source should be carefully verified. The author also gives a Polish translation of the most important fragments of "Liber Beneficiorum" about the Kraśnik monastery. The Kraśnik monastery played an important part in Polish culture, not only because of its book collection but also because of the special significance of the Polish language in this monastery. In the document issued by the bishop of Cracow, Jan Lutek from Brzezie, who approved the document of the founder, Jan Rabsztyński, on 13 March 1469, there is, among others, a regulation stating that a provost should be elected from those monks who could speak Polish fluently.
- ItemWyposażenie liturgiczne kościoła klasztornego w Kraśniku w świetle staropolskich akt krakowskich wizytacji biskupich(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Bruździński, AndrzejThe church in Kraśnik, as presented in the visitation records, was well-equipped with the necessary paraments to perform the liturgy. It is also noteworthy that all the church regulations were obeyed. From the description of the visitation, it can be concluded that some of the presented elements were more numerous than it was noted, and in other cases, it was only generally stated that there was a sufficient number of some paraments - this style of description was also typical of other visitation reports. The Canons Regular quite early equipped themselves with church's new books and paraments, as the Church's law required; it proves that Canons Regular met the Church's regulations. The vast majority of books and paraments were acquired by local parish priests, who were also superiors of the Canons community. Paraments and other equipment collected in the Kraśnik church and its sacristy in the Old Polish period were often excellent works of artistic craftsmanship, and therefore, in addition to their basic liturgical function, they had also cultural importance. Being most susceptible to destruction, they shared the fate of the church, the parish and the religious order, hence a small number of the old preserved church equipment.
- ItemZe studiów nad malarskim wystrojem kościoła parafialnego w Kraśniku (dzieła Tomasza Dolabelli i Jana Kasińskiego)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Żmudziński, JerzyThe following article discusses the paintings of the former Canons Regular church in Kraśnik. The analysis results in the conclusion that the church interior reflects the particular activity of the then-hosts of the church – the Zamoyski family – during the period in which the town and the church held a significant position. The paintings (over 15), done in the studios of two painters: Tomasz Dolabella and Jan Kasiński in the years 1626-1631, are an example of the influence of Venetian paintings developing at the turn of the 17th century; at the same time, they constitute the effective implementation of the reform recommendations made by the Council of Trent.
- ItemObraz parafii małopolskich w świetle Liber beneficiorum Jana Długosza. Luki i wybrane możliwości uzupełnienia(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Poniewozik, Leszek"Liber beneficiorum" Jana Długosza to jedno z podstawowych źródeł pozwalających poznać sytuację Kościoła katolickiego w diecezji krakowskiej w drugiej połowie XV w. Zamysłem autora było stworzenie dzieła pozwalającego bronić praw różnych instytucji kościelnych do posiadanych przez nie elementów uposażenia. Z założenia zatem źródło zawiera opisy rodzaju uzyskiwanych dochodów oraz źródeł ich pochodzenia. Jedną z istotnych grup beneficjów opisywanych przez Długosza, były kościoły parafialne. Poświęcono im jedną z trzech zasadniczych części dzieła. Uprzednio stworzony formularz opisu pozwalał zgromadzić informacje porównywalne w skali diecezji krakowskiej a dotyczące wezwań świątyń, materiału, z jakiego zostały wzniesione czy własności miejscowości, w jakich kościoły się znajdowały. W głównej jednak mierze "Liber beneficiorum" pozwala poznać źródła dochodów, takie jak dziesięciny, czynsze czy inne. Niewątpliwym walorem dzieła Jana Długosza jest precyzyjne rozróżnienie płatników poszczególnych świadczeń. Jan Długosz w wielu przypadkach nie ograniczał się do wskazania źródeł dochodów plebanów, ale podawał ich szacunkową wartość. Nie mniej ważne jest ujęcie świadczeń ludności wiejskiej uiszczanych w naturze oraz płynących z własnego gospodarstwa plebańskiego. Niejako przy okazji – nie był to bowiem główny powód stworzenia dzieła – "Liber beneficiorum" pozwala poznać okręgi parafialne opisywanych kościołów. Tak duża różnorodność informacji zawartych w dziele Jana Długosza stwarza olbrzymie możliwości badawcze. Niestety nie jest to źródło idealne. Głównym mankamentem "Liber beneficiorum" są liczne pominięcia. Dzieło w wielu przypadkach nie podaje żadnych informacji na temat licznych kościołów parafialnych. W innych przypadkach, w których opis został zamieszczony, zawiera on liczne luki. W tej sytuacji koniecznością staje się poszukiwanie możliwości uzupełnienia informacji podanych przez Jana Długosza. Wspomniane wyżej bogactwo informacji zawartych w "Liber beneficiorum" powoduje, że uzupełnień tych należy szukać w bardzo różnorodnym materiale źródłowym. Co więcej, nie są to źródła współczesne dziełu Jana Długosza. W większości przypadków pochodzą z późniejszych czasów, głównie z XVI w. Są nimi przede wszystkim wizytacje kościelne oraz źródła o charakterze fiskalnym – tak kościelne jak i świeckie. Pozwalają one niekiedy w dużym stopniu wypełnić luki dotyczące liczby parafii, ich dochodów, wielkości okręgów parafialnych itd. Niestety fakt korzystania ze źródeł dość odległych chronologicznie nie pozwala uzyskanych informacji w prosty sposób odnieść do czasów Jana Długosza. To z kolei pociąga za sobą konieczność żmudnej weryfikacji uzyskanych danych. "Liber beneficiorum" by Jan Długosz is one of the basic sources enabling researchers to learn about the Catholic Church in the diocese of Cracow in the second half of the 15th century. The author's intention was to create a work which could help to defend the rights of various ecclesiastical institutions to retain different elements of endowments. The source, therefore, contains descriptions of various types of income and their origins. Among the important groups of benefices described by Długosz were parish churches. One of the three essential parts of the work was devoted to them. The previously written description allowed the author to gather comparable information on the diocese of Cracow, concerning, among others, the dedication of churches, the material of which they were built and the properties of the place in which the churches were located. Above all, however, "Liber beneficiorum" enables researchers to familiarize themselves with the sources of income, such as tithes, rents or others. The undoubted advantage of Jan Długosz’s work is the precise distinction between the payers of particular services. Jan Długosz in many cases not only presented priests’ sources of income but also included its estimated value. Another important thing is a presentation of rural population’s payments made in kind and income from priests’ own farmstead. In addition, "Liber beneficiorum" allows researchers to learn about the parish districts of the described churches, although it was not the main reason for the creation of this work. Such a wide variety of information included in Jan Dlugosz's work provides tremendous research opportunities. Unfortunately, this is not the ideal source. The main disadvantages of Liber beneficiorum are numerous omissions. The work in many cases does not give any information about a number of parish churches. In other cases, where the description is included, it contains a lot of gaps. In this situation, it is necessary to supplement the information provided by Jan Długosz. The aforementioned wealth of information in "Liber beneficiorum" requires that supplements should be sought in a very diverse source material. Moreover, these are not the sources contemporary with Jan Dlugosz’s work. In most cases, they come from later periods, mainly from the 16th century. These are primarily church visitations and sources of fiscal character - both church and secular. They sometimes fill in the gaps in the number of parishes, their income, the size of parish districts etc. Unfortunately, using sources quite distant chronologically does not allow researchers to refer the obtained information directly to the times of Jan Dlugosz. This, in turn, requires tedious verification of the obtained data.
- ItemKanonik Jan z Lublina i jego tabulatura(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Grajewski, CzesławThe following article is devoted to Jan of Lublin and his collection of musical notation of different compositions called Jan of Lublin’s tablature. The author presents Canon Jan and his relationship with the monastery of Regular Canons in Kraśnik. The article also focuses on the tablature itself. It discusses the issue of its origin, its contents – special attention was paid to musical genres, the influence of Western European music on Polish music as well as the original achievements of Polish artists. The article is a presentation of a sixteenth-century written text.
- ItemSprawozdanie z działalności Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Archiwum Diecezjalnego im. bł. Wincentego Kadłubka w Kielcach za rok 2016(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Kwaśniewski, Andrzej
- ItemBiblioteki Wydziału Prawa i Nauk Społeczno-Ekonomicznych KUL w okresie II Rzeczpospolitej(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Nowakowska, MonikaDuring the interwar period at the Faculty of Law and Social-Economic Sciences of the Catholic University of Lublin, there were three main sectional libraries: legal, economic and social. In these libraries there were book collections, also referred to as libraries, assigned to a particular seminar. They were treated as research aid for employees and students. Initially, they were supervised by professors, who decided on the shape of the collection as well as the selection of library staff. Over time, there appeared a position of librarian who managed the collections of all the seminary libraries. In the 1930s librarians were assigned to each section separately; and they were responsible, among others, for cataloguing books and periodicals, making the collection available, providing research information, repairing damaged books, doing bookkeeping and arranging duty hours for scholarship holders. Seminar book collections increased as new books were bought and donated. The most important donations were books offered by the Main Library of the University of Lublin and Professor A. Szymański, a lecturer from the Faculty of Law and Social-Economic Sciences.
- ItemMszał Kraśnicki – zabytek z XV wieku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Moskal, TomaszKraśnik missal – liturgical manuscript dated for the beginning the 15th century, probably product scriptorium by the monastery of Canons Regular in Cracow. In the 16th century his presence authenticated at the monastery in Kraśnik. In the XIX century transported to the seminar library in Lublin. He consists of two parts, containing the calendar of the Cracow diocese and liturgical texts among others.
- ItemBudowa kaplicy pw. św. Leonarda w Szczebrzeszynie w świetle źródeł archiwalnych - przyczynek do mecenatu Hrabiego Maurycego Zamoyskiego(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Bartko-Malinowska, AnnaIn the cemetery in the town of Szczebrzeszyn, there is a chapel dating from 1907-1908, founded by Count Maurycy Zamoyski, the 15th lord of the Zamoyski Family Fee Tail. This chapel has a long tradition based on the legend about its origins. The present building is the third one standing here, the previous wooden one, from the beginning of the 19th century, was completely destroyed. During the pastoral visit of Bishop Jaczewski in Szczebrzeszyn in 1905, Maurycy Zamoyski promised to rebuild the chapel and to finance the project in its entirety. This was a unique situation because it was rare for any fee tail to cover the cost of the construction of a church. Only materials were usually provided and the aid did not exceed 10% of the collator’s donation. In 1907, Alfons Helbich, the builder of the Fee Tail, started the construction of the chapel designed in Neo-Gothic style; the works were delayed by the government which was reluctant to approve the plans and cost estimates. Therefore, it was necessary for the bishop of Lublin to intervene. The construction was supervised by Michał Kołodziejczyk, a bricklayer, familiar to the Administration of the Fee Tail because he was responsible for the construction of the church in Mokrelipie, also located in the Fee Tail. According to the agreement Kołodziejczyk signed with the Governor of the estate of Zwierzyniec, he was supposed to raise the walls and cover the roof by 1 November 1907, then to finish the chapel and put it into use by 1 June 1908. Kołodziejczyk fully adhered to the agreement, and on 28 November 1908, a protocol of transfer and receipt was signed, in which the chapel was handed over to Rev. Jan Grabarski, a parish priest of Szczebrzeszyn. This chapel is an expression of Count Maurycy Zamoyski’s generosity and his concern for sacred objects in his Fee Tail. This concern is also evidenced by other magnificent churches created during Maurycy’s rule.
- ItemKs. Franciszek Pietrzkiewicz (1858-1929)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Walicki, Bartosz; Zych, SławomirRev. Franciszek Pietrzkiewicz was born on 5 September 1858 in Zarszyn, in the Sanok district, where he graduated from a folk school. Then he attended gymnasium in Jasło, with a three-year break for military service. In 1884 he entered the Theological Seminary in Przemyśl. On 22 July 1888, he was ordained a priest and became an assistant curate in Miżyniec in the deanery of Mościce (the Przemyśl district). After two years, on 21 September 1890, he was entrusted with the duties of a vicarius dirigens. In 1892 he passed a competitive exam for a parish priest, and from 20 October 1894 onwards, he ran the parish in Miżyniec as an administrator and later as a parish priest. For a short time, Rev. Pietrzkiewicz also managed the parish in Czyszki. The outbreak of World War I brought an end to his pastoral work in Miżyniec. Due to the danger from the Ukrainians, he moved to the parish of Zgłobień in the deanery of Rzeszów. In the spring of 1919, he became a successor of the late parish priest Rev. Mikołaj Dzierżyński. In spite of difficult financial conditions, he managed to complete numerous investment projects in Zgłobień related to the equipment and decoration of the church, the construction of the church tower and the cemetery fence, a presbytery and outbuildings. At the same time, Rev. Pietrzkiewicz was concerned about the living conditions and morality of the parish inhabitants. He also took care of his own priestly formation and supported numerous pious works. In addition, this priest was active in the social sphere. He was, among others, the head of the board in Kasa Stefczyka (a savings and loan association) in Zgłobień, chaired the Farmers’ Association, supported founding the Voluntary Fire Brigade. His efforts were appreciated by church authorities which awarded him expositorium canonicale. He was also an associate dean of Mościce and a school supervisor. Rev. Franciszek Pietrzkiewicz died on 2 January 1929 at the age of 70, 40 years after his ordination.
- ItemParafia rzymskokatolicka w Mikaszewiczach w diecezji pińskiej w świetle inwentarza kościoła z 1938 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Żurek, Waldemar WitoldMikaszewicze in Polesie, Poland, developed quite intensely thanks to the construction of the railway, the factory of plywood and the sawmill. This town developed after Poland regained its independence in 1918. The factories which were built there attracted a number of workers, which led to the creation of a fairly large town with a workers' settlement in 1938. Then there was a need to erect a separate parish and, given that the neighbouring villages of Rudnia, Morszczynowicze and Zaprosie accepted the Orthodox faith in the period of Poland’s captivity. Initially, the parish priests from Dawidgródek and Łachwa celebrated church services in private houses and later in the school in Mikaszewicze. In 1923, attempts were made to establish a new pastoral and parish centre. In 1927, the Ordinary of Pińsk erected a parish dedicated to the Queen of the Crown of Poland, and Rev. Paweł Stepak was appointed a parish priest. The church, built in a mixture of Gothic and Romanesque style, was consecrated on 18 July 1937 by Bishop Kazimierz Bukraba.
- ItemGromadkarstwo – ruch religijno-społeczny w Prusach Wschodnich(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Warda, ElwiraIn East Prussia, the revival movement (Erweckungsbewegung) was formed by the eighteenth-century pietist school of the University of Königsberg. The development of the pietist movement in Prussia was influenced by the Brethren’s Congregation from Herrnhut (the Unity of the Brethren) and so-called the Brethren from Salzburg. The movement of the Brethren from Salzburg gave a direct impetus to the creation of the movement called Gromadkarstwo. In the 19th century, this movement was formed as an opposition to the official Church, and its members also participated in their own congregations led by lay people. There were various reasons for the development of Gromadkarstwo. By the middle of the 19th century, Gromadkarstwo in East Prussia had been purely folk in character, and its members did not leave virtually any documents. Peasants became nomadic preachers, spreading the gospel from village to village. It was only after 1885 that the mass movement became organized and institutionalized. In the Lutheran Church in East Prussia, it survived until the Second World War.