Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, 2012, T. 97
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- ItemDziałalność Sodalicji Mariańskiej w kolegiach bazyliańskich na ziemiach Rzeczypospolitej w XVIII i XIX wieku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Lorens, BeataThe aim of this article is to present the activity of the Sodality of Our Lady functioning in public secondary schools run by the Basilian Order in eastern Poland in the 18th and the 19th centuries. The sources of the information were the books of the congregation, inventories of the monasteries and educational records stored in Polish and Ukrainian archives and printed reports of school visitations conducted by the Commission of National Education. We managed to find traces of the activity of the Sodality of Our Lady in 10 Basilian colleges, out of 20 functioning in the 18th century in the Polish-Lithuanian State. The activity of three schools - Buczacz, Owrucz and Podubiś - is the best documented one in sources. As far as the organizational pattern is concerned, these congregations followed the example of societies functioning in the colleges run by Jesuits. The students of the Sodality were distinguished by very good results in learning, impeccable behavior and devotion. The Marian Congregation helped to deepen faith and they paid special attention to the cult of Mary. They also prepared young people from the gentry background to take part in public life. The Congregation was a very important element in the educational process conducted in the public monastic schools.
- ItemArchiwum Diecezjalne w Rzeszowie. Powstanie, zasób i działalność(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Nabożny, MarcinThe article focuses on the establishment, fonds and activity of the Diocesan Archive in Rzeszów. The Archive in Rzeszów plays an important role. Its purpose is to protect, collect, organise, permanently store the archival materials and make them available. The Diocese of Rzeszów was established by John Paul II in his bull Totus Tuus Poloniae Populus of 25 March 1992. The Diocesian Archive in Rzeszów is a separate scientifi c and cultural institution established by the Bishop of Rzeszów, Kazimierz Górny. It is located at the seat of Diocesian Curia in Rzeszów at Castle Street 4. In the years 1992-1999 the Rev. Dr Stanisław Nabywaniec was responsible for organizing the Archive. In 1999 this task was assigned to the Rev. dr Andrzej Motyka, who was also appointed the Diocesan Archive Director. Soon, the statute and the rules of the Archive were formulated, the structure was established and it became the basis for organising the archival materials. The materials have been available since 2003. The article presents the role of the historical archive in the diocese, the origins of the Diocese of Rzeszów, the aims and tasks of the Diocesan Archive in Rzeszów. Then, it focuses on the statute, the rules and organization of the Archive. A significant element of the article is the collection of the Diocesan Archive in Rzeszów (the collection structure) which contains 35 fonds. The final part shows the details about church archives, where we can fi nd archival materials relating to the current area of the Diocese of Rzeszów, which was formed from parts of the Diocese of Przemyśl and Tarnów. Previously, this area was the part of the Metropolis of Lvov and Krakow. The paper also provides the list of archives helpful to the researchers of history of the mentioned area: the Archive of the Metropolitan Curia in Krakow, the Archive of the Cathedral Chapter of Krakow, Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak Archive, the Archdiocesan Archive of Latin Rite in Przemyśl, the Archive of the Cathedral Chapter of Przemyśl, the Archive of Cathedral Chapter of Sandomierz and the Archive of the Diocese of Tarnów. The article contains the current contact details for these institutions, directors, opening hours, and the list of guides and articles about fonds. The paper is the first comprehensive study of the Diocesan Archive in Rzeszów as it has been not presented in the previous studies of the Archives of the Catholic Church in Poland.
- ItemAkta wizytacyjne w strukturze zasobów historycznych archiwów diecezjalnych w Polsce(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Dębowska, MariaThe following paper suggests that the visitation records of churches and parishes from the Old Polish period be held in the structure of the fonds of diocesan historical archives (storing). This issue is omitted both in theory and practice of diocesan archives in Poland due to difficulties (or, as many claim-impossibility) in applying the principle of provenance to the production of the episcopal chancery during the period of functioning the book of inscriptions. So far, only the Rev. Stanisław Librowski has suggested the project to solve this problem. This project, however, does not fully respect, acknowledged in the archival science, the principle of provenance.
- ItemPrzegląd bibliograficzny(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Hamryszczak, Artur Paweł; Kiper, Daniel
- ItemWizytacje kościelne w zasobie archiwów państwowych(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Krochmal, JacekArchive material of church provenance is stored, among others, in Polish state archives. Large collection of visitations are in state archives in Lublin, Przemyśl and the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw. A large collection of Uniate visitations (Greek Catholic) stored in the State Archive of Lublin is in the fonds of Greek Catholic Consistory of Chełm (1596-1875). The fond includes directives of Uniate Bishops of Chełm on how to conduct visitations, general visitation of the diocese, visitations of deaneries and individual Uniate churches from the Diocese of Chełm (1715-1815, 1869-1870), Włodzimierz (1725-1727, 1757, 1774-1801), [Polish] Połock (1789-1790) and the Deanery of Bóbrka in the Diocese of Lviv from 1764. Historical Archive of the Orthodox and later Greek Catholic Bishopric of Przemyśl from the years 1291-1946 (the fond of the Archive of Greek Catholic Bishopric of Przemyśl) is in the State Archive in Przemyśl. There are visitations of 49 deaneries (1738-1939) and individual Uniate churches (1753-1912) from the Uniate Diocese of Przemyśl. In addition, the State Archive in Przemyśl (the fond of the Seniority of Central Galicia in Brygidau) includes visitation protocols of churches and evangelical schools from the years 1903-1910. Visitations of Roman Catholic churches and monasteries are also stored in the Central Archives of Historical Records (in the fonds of the Central Religious Authorities of Kingdom of Poland). This archive also includes the visitations of the Collegiate of Łęczyca (1810-1811), the monastery of Canons Regular in Warsaw (1767–1816), the general visitation of the Archdiocese of Warsaw (1859-1860) and visitations of the Augustian monasteries in Ciechanów, Kraków, Krasnystaw, Książ Wielki, Lublin, Orchówek, Rawa, Warsaw and Wieluń (1841-1863); and in the fond of the Orthodox Consistory of Warsaw there is a fragment of the visitation of the Orthodox Eparchy of Warsaw from 1908.
- ItemKościół w Polsce represjonowany przez władze komunistyczne w latach 1944-1989(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Dębiński, JózefAfter the Second World War, Poland underwent the process of Sovietisation. The entire activity of the new authority was confined to the collectivization of agriculture and the fight with the Church. It is true that in the years 1944-1947 the authorities adopted a relatively liberal policy towards the Church, which did not exclude, however, repression against clandestine activities of the clergy, and even assassinations. Soon, an open dispute arose between the authorities and the Episcopate, which was caused, among other things, by the cancellation of the concordat, the decree establishing the obligation of civil marriages and authorities’ interference in the church administration on the Recovered Territories (Western and Northern part of Poland). The communist authorities denounced the Catholic clergy for pathological hostility towards communism and post-war reality. Without good reason, they accused the Church of using the pulpit and confessional in this fight and supporting anti-communist underground. The period of severe repression against the Church lasted in the years 1948-1955 . It was the period of arrests, trials and bishops’ removal from their dioceses. To fight with the Church, the authorities created a separate Department IV in the Ministry of Home Affairs, whose structure survived until the fall of the Communism. The whole clergy was under control. Their activities were documented in the fi les of the operational records; from 1963 each clerical student joining the seminary had his file. The authorities also restricted the activities of the Catholic University of Lublin and created the Academy of Catholic Theology from the departments in Krakow and Warsaw. In addition, seminarists were obliged to do military service, the aim of which was to disorganize the teaching at the seminary. To settle the conflict in relations between the state and the Church, the Mixed Commission was established at the initiative of. Its purpose was to resolve conflict issues. In fact, despite the signed agreement, the communist authorities did not keep their commitments from the beginning. They started subversive activities in the Church, forming the movement of the “patriotic priests” attached to The Society of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy. They were given, among other things, the stolen property of the charitable church organization “Caritas”. Throughout the whole period of the Communism in Poland (1944-1989) the authorities used repression against 704 diocesan priests and 211 monks. Repressive measures of the Communists against the Church, which lasted from the end of the Second World War to 1989, are part of the martyrdom of the Catholic Church in the 20th century. In the following years only the methods and means changed in the fight with the Church, the essence remained always the same-to remove religion from public life.
- ItemWypisy źródłowe do biografii polskich biskupów i opatów z czasów Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów oraz niewoli narodowej doby zaborów (XVI-XIX w.) (Cz. X)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Prokop, Krzysztof R.The tenth part of the cycle for Source extracts for the biography of the Polish bishops and abbots from the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Partitions of Poland is entirely dedicated to the testimonies of the ordination of bishop representatives of the Old Polish Catholic episcopate at various times and circumstances. These testimonia consecrationis were taken from different categories of sources - primarily from (acta sacrarum functionum), from the books acta episcopalia, acta actorum capituli, records of informative process concerning bishoprics, from correspondence and diaries-only unpublished. These testimonies refer to the group of 195 hierarchs (including 11 of the Greek Catholic rite, 2 the Armenian Catholic Rite and the rest - the Latin rite), but when it comes to particular centuries these testimonies are presented as follows: 15th – 4, 16th – 7, 17th – 43, 18th – 91, 19th – 50. So far, there has been no information where and when a large number of bishops were consecrated, so the following work, presenting substantial portion of factual data acquired directly from archive material, contributes enormously to the state of research on this issue.
- ItemX Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Чин святого Василя Великого в історії Церкви”, Łuck, 6-8 X 2011(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Wodzianowska, Irena
- ItemObraz duszpasterstwa polskojęzycznego w Europie na podstawie wizytacji Rektora Polskiej Misji Katolickiej w Belgii(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Szymański, JózefThe Catholic church in Poland undertook steps to provide optimal pastoral care for the Polish people abroad. These activities were formalized through the creation of the Polish Catholic Missions. The first Polish Catholic Mission was created in France (1922), next one in January 1926 in Belgium. This mission extended its power over Denmark, Holland (1927). The priests who successively held the office of Rector of the Polish Catholic Missions: T. Kotowski, W. Kudłacik and R. Moskwa organized pastoral, cultural, educational life among the Polish people and left, in the form of statements and reports, the descriptions of the condition and situation of the Polish emigrants abroad.
- ItemArchiwum kościelne. Rola i znaczenie jako miejsca przechowywania dokumentów przeszłości(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Prejs, RolandThe article first presents the basic archival terminology, in particular “fond” and briefly explains characteristic features of chancery practices such as a self-contained document, a book of inscriptions, case files. The Church always paid a great attention to collecting and storing official documents created in connection with the implementation of evangelization and salvatory mission in the world. The collection of these documents grew bigger and larger as the literary culture became more common and the habit of documenting every activity in writing spread, which on a large scale occurred only in the Middle Ages. This is how the church archives were created, initially as repositories of documents. Archives in the modern sense, that is, academic institutions which collect documents relevant to understanding and study of the past appeared in the Polish land only at the end of the 18th century. Most of the Polish dioceses organized their archives in the interwar period and monasteries only after the Second World War. The Centre (Institute since 2006) for the Church Archives Libraries and Museums (established in 1956) together with the coorganizer of the Centre, the Rev. prof. dr hab. Stanisław Librowski, played an important role in the development of church archives in Poland.
- ItemOrganizacja administracji państwa zakonnego w Prusach do końca XIII wieku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Grala, TomaszFormed during the crusading movement, the Teutonic Knights developed the internal structures in the Holy Land after the act of 1198, structures which survived several centuries and proved to be very useful in the process of building their own state in Prussia. The following work briefly presents the offices of the deputy of the Grandmaster and the chief of military affairs, the official responsible for all hospital affairs, the official responsible for dressing and armament, the treasurer and the castellan. All these officials, except for the castellan, formed the group of the great nobles in Prussia from the 14th century. The increase in property outside the Holy Land contributed to the vertical power structure. A pioneering period in the history of the Teutonic Knights ended during the reign of Grand Master Hermann von Salza; then a new period of building their own state on the Baltic began. Equipped with the imperial privilege, the Teutonic Knights came to the Vistula, where they received from Konrad Mazowiecki in 1230 the privilege conferring the land of Chełmn on them, the land which was the territorial base of their future activity in Prussia. Since then, supported by the knights from western Europe and Germany, they systematically had been conquering Prussia. In the early period of the conquest Polish dukes also helped them. The Teutonic Knights were the winners in the dispute with the Bishop of Prussia, Christian. After suppressing two Prussian uprisings and conquering the land of Jaćwież, the Teutonic Order reached the line of the Niemen and strengthened its reign in the whole Prussia. The organization of the formed religious state was of monarchical type. Dualistic, that is, theocratic and feudal character of the state affected administrative divisions introduced by the Knights. They built well-functioning administration, whose characteristic feature was the division into commandries. Although the number of commandries was not steady and the range of their influence would change, generally the primary administrative divisions survived until the fall of the monastic state in Prussia. Among the source material used in this work the chronicles included in Scriptores Rerum Prusicarum are of the basic importance. These chronicles are as follows: The Prussian Chronicle by Peter of Dusburg, The Chronicle of Oliwa by Abbot Stanislaus. In addition, the author used works by German and Polish historians such as: the works of Gerard Labuda, Marian Biskup, Sławomir Jóźwiak, the collective work edited by Zenon Hubert Nowak, S. Kujot, Hartmut Boockmann, Udo Arnold. The full list of the used sources and literature is in the footnotes.
- ItemPoczątki parafii Matki Bożej Królowej Korony Polskiej w Baranowiczach Poleskich na podstawie księgi inwentarzowej parafii Baranowicze z 2 maja 1938 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Żurek, Waldemar WitoldThe Polish Borderland’s town Baranowicze in the county Nowogród (now Bialorus) was developing with resilience from the beginning of the 20th century. The need of a new parish church in the city saw the local bishop, as well as the believers The second parish in the city, after the 1925 founded Hole Cross Exaltation’s parish has been created 1936. It was the Mother of God Quinn’s of Poland parish. It’s pastor became fr. Antoni Kohutnicki. And soon replaced him fr. Czesław Fedorowicz. At that time has been established the Inventor’s Book which is allowing to get knowledge of the beginnings of that parish.
- ItemTroska biskupów kujawsko-kaliskich o Jasną Górę w okresie po Powstaniu Styczniowym (1864-1914)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Czaplicki, BronisławThe author presents the issue of the relationships of the bishops from the Diocese of Kujawy-Kalisz to Jasna Góra in the period after the January Uprising. Negative opinions spread about these bishops were the inspiration for this research. This study was based on a critical use of sources, which are in the Russian State Historical Archive in St. Petersburg, the Archive of Jasna Góra, the Diocesan Archive in Włocławek and the State Archive in Częstochowa. The author attempted to present the situation of the bishops constrained by the requirements of the Russian state law. This law was formulated in such a way as to enslave the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and lead to the extinction of the monastic life. The Pauline monastery was threatened not only by the destructive actions of the Russian authorities but also by deepening internal crisis, which was used by the mentioned authorities. The Jasna Góra Monastery survived and was able to revive after the collapse of the tsarist rule in Częstochowa. Credit for this revival, in large part, goes to the rulers of the Diocese of Kujawy-Kalisz, who defended the monastery and at the same time tried to influence its spiritual rebirth.
- Item[Recenzja]: Izabela Skierska, Sabbatha sanctifices. Dzień święty w średniowiecznej Polsce. Warszawa 2008, ss. 566, il.(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Rozen, Fryderyk
- Item[Recenzja]: Grzegorz Chajko, Arcybiskup Bolesław Twardowski (1864-1944). Metropolita lwowski obrządku łacińskiego, Rzeszów 2010, ss. 496, il.(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Kawecki, Roman
- ItemAkta wizytacyjne diecezji kamienieckiej i łucko-żytomierskiej (koniec XVIII - początek XX wieku) w zasobach archiwów na Ukrainie(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Rosowski, WitalijVisitations are one of the most valuable and interesting church sources. This article attempts to present the condition of visitation records of churches and monasteries of the Diocese of Lutsk-Zhytomyr and Kamyanyets from the late 18th to the early 20th century in the archives of Ukraine. Difficult history of these lands in the last century contributed to a considerable dispersal of interesting materials, and what is worse, to irreversible destruction of some of the records. Currently, the largest number of the visitation descriptions of the mentioned dioceses are preserved in the Central State of Historical Archive of Ukraine in Kyiv and the State Archive of Zhytomir and Khmelnytskyi Oblast, which include, among others, the fonds of the Roman-Catholic Consistory of Kamyanyets and Lutsk-Zhytomyr and the visitation records of the monasteries in the Diocese of Lutsk-Zhytomyr. The presented material showed that the oldest of the surviving visitation records of the churches and monasteries in Podolia, Volhynia and the Kiev region come from the mid-90s of the 18th century and the latest ones come from 1909.
- ItemWizytacje kanoniczne i dziekańskie w archidiecezji lwowskiej obrządku łacińskiego do 1939 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Leszczyński, MariuszOne of the important duties of the rulers of a diocese was to conduct canonical visitations in parishes (visitatio canonica, visitatio pastoralis). According to the recommendations of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), suffragan bishops (assistant) were supposed to help them in this duty. Detailed standards for the canonical visitations of parishes in the 20th century were included in the Code of Canon Law of 1917. They said, among other things, that every year the “residential” bishop should visit his diocese or part of it so that to visit at least one parish every five years. He was supposed to perform this task in person or - in case of a reasonable obstacle - by a vicar general, or by another clergyman. Bishops conducted visitation of people, things and pious establishments, apart from the ones which received a special exemption from the Holy See. The practice of canonical and deanery visitations in the Archdiocese of Lviv of the Latin rite varied over the centuries. Regular visitations were conducted, for example by Archbishop Wacław Hieronim Sierakowski (1760-1780) and Józef Bilczewski (1900-1923). Archbishop Seweryn Tytus Morawski (1885-1900) did not conduct any visitations in person, he would entrust this task to the assistant bishop or other clergymen. Deanery visitations were closely connected with canonical ones; and they were especially important when canonical visitations were not conducted regularly. The aim of deanery and canonical visitations was to recognise the condition and the needs of the parish and to control the implementation of ecclesiastical law and other ordinances of ecclesiastical authorities.
- ItemKsięgi wizytacji kanonicznych przechowywane w archiwum diecezjalnym we Włocławku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Kujawski, WitoldDiocesan bishops were always obliged to supervise the pastoral work in parishes and the result of this was not only the post-visitation remarks but also written protocols. In fact, this practice was often neglected and the storage of the created post-visitation documentation was completely neglected. The Council of Trent highlighted this issue. Since then visitation records are preserved, but not all. Perhaps it was mistakenly thought that the most important were the latest one. Hence there are big gaps in documentation. Basically, each diocesan archive stores the visitation protocols of its own diocese. In Włocławek, however, there is a substantial collection of canonical visitation books of the historical Archdiocese of Gniezno. These books were stored here by order of occupation authorities as the Diocese of Włocławek, after the partitions and the new delimitation introduced by the bull Ex imposita Nobis of 1818, included most territories of the historical Archdiocese of Gniezno. Similarly, the visitations of the Diocese of Włocławek before 1918 were partly in Gniezno and partly in Pelplin. It is important, especially for young church historians, to know where such signifi cant historical sources should be sought.