Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, 2014, T. 102
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- ItemBiblioteki kapituł katedralnych w Gnieźnie i Poznaniu w XV i pocz. XVI wieku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Tafiłowski, PiotrThe article presents the role of books in two important chapter centres of the former Poland, Gniezno and Poznań, in the period between the 1430s and the 1530s. It is based on the source extracts from the chapter records made by Boleslaw Ulanowski. The aim of this paper is, apart from the presentation of author’s findings, a summary and systematization of the information about libraries of the chapters, which to some extent has already been introduced into science. The article is divided into two parts. The first focuses on the library of Gniezno, the other Poznań. Each of the two parts begins with the issues of the premises in which the collections were deposited. Next, the author continues to discuss in detail the issues of increasing the book collection (gifts and testamentary legacies), its content, maintenance, and borrowing as well as carers and users, both from inside the chapter, as well as outside it. The source quotations, given in extenso, play an important role; they have not been mentioned in the literature since B. Ulanowski’s publication. The introductory part of the paper discusses the previous literature on the issues of the Polish cathedral chapter libraries.
- ItemArchiwum parafii rzymskokatolickiej w Klimontowie(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Dywan, TomaszThe parish in Klimontów (Diocese of Sandomierz) has an archive, which stores various documents concerning the history of this institution. The materials from this archive were rarely used by historians. Only the ones who dealt with regional history were interested in the above mentioned materials. A parish priest from Klimontów Wawrzyniec Kukliński (1828-1912) published the content of the most important documents in the years 1909-1911. This content was the basis for writing an amateur treatise on the history of the town, where in 1626 the parish was erected. From the beginning of the twentieth century, the documentation stored at the parish church was damaged, some materials were lost. The author therefore undertook the effort to professionally organize the archival materials that are stored in the parish of Klimontów. Two fonds: Documents of the Roman Catholic Parish in Klimontów (documents since 1626) and Parish registers of Klimontów (since 1667) are connected with the parish office. These two fonds were divided into individual archival units, mainly based on chronological criteria. Apart from the materials closely related to the activities of the parish, the archive includes an incomplete collection of the documents which belonged to the monastery of the Dominicans in Klimontów. That collection was brought to the parish archive in unclear circumstances, possibly just after the dissolution of the monastery in 1901. It is a closed fond, which includes diverse documents from the years 1418-1863. It should be noted that this fold also contains a signifi cant number of documents relating to the salaries of the parish in Olbierzowice, the patronage of which was granted to the monastery of the Dominicans under Jan Zbigniew Ossoliński’s foundation privilege of 1613. The parish archive also includes the books which are the remnants of the once prosperous parish library.
- ItemKsięgozbiór klasztoru bernardyńskiego w Kadynach w zasobach Biblioteki Elbląskiej(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Zawadzki, WojciechCyprian Norwid Library of Elbląg includes the collection of the former Elbląg City Library before 1945. Among them are 124 volumes (including 12 bound together), which were once owned by the Library of the Bernardine Monastery in Kadyny. The Bernardine Monastery in Kadyny was erected 18 August, 1683. At the beginning of the eighteenth century it became a known sanctuary of St. Anthony of Padua in the region. In 1826 the monastery was dissolved by the Prussian authorities. Before the dissolution the monastic library stored 1327 volumes. In a separate cabinet, outside the library, the Bernardines had 29 volumes of libri prohibita. In April 1830, part of the book collection of Kadyny was included in the library of the Lower Secondary School of Elblag, and then it was transformed to the Elbląg City Library. An unspecified number of books from the library of the Bernardines in Kadyny, in the nineteenth century, were taken over by the Chapter of Warmia in Frombork, and currently they are stored in the Library of “Hosianum” the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Warmia in Olsztyn. Among the 124 cataloged volumes of Kadyny in the Library of Elblag, by far the most of them concern the subject of theology and asceticism. The oldest book in the analyzed collection of Kadyny is Lombardica historia by Jacob de Voragine, published in Nuremberg in 1501, the newest one is Veritas Christianae Religionis by Idzi Smukalski released in 1788 in Poznań. Overall, 31 volumes come from the sixteenth century, 54 volumes come from the seventeenth century and 39 volumes come from the eighteenth century.
- ItemInkunabuł w oprawie z superekslibrisami bpa Jana Lubrańskiego na tle introligatorstwa krakowskiego i poznańskiego końca XV – początku XVI wieku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Wagner, ArkadiuszThe article focuses on the binding of the incunabulum from the book collection of one of the greatest Polish Renaissance bibliophiles, Jan Lubrański Bishop of Poznań. The great value of this historical monument, discovered in 2012 in the Library of the Seminary in Włocławek, results from the fact that it is one of the few volumes that remained from hierarch’s extensive book collection, and also the only one, so far discovered, marked with his supralibros. The article starts with a biographical outline of Bishop Lubrański, with special attention paid to his bibliophilic activity. Then, the author presents a detailed formal and stylistic analysis of the binding against the background of bookbinding of the Polish leading centers in this field in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The result is the hypotheses concerning the time and place of its creation, which point to the unknown bookbinding workshop in Cracow or Poznań, operating in the first two decades of the sixteenth century. Finally, the author attempts to trace the history of the book from the time of Lubrański up to its discovery in the collections of Włocławek.
- ItemDziałalność naukowa i edukacyjna archiwum kościelnego na przykładzie Archiwum Salezjańskiego Inspektorii Pilskiej(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Wąsowicz, JarosławThe Salesian Archive of the Province of Piła (ASIP) was founded when the new Salesian Province of Piła was created in December 1979. The most extensive group of records in this archive concerns the territorial and personnel development of the Province of Piła, its apostolic activities, property and history. The precious collections also include legacies. In recent years, the main part of the archive activities has been focused on organizing and describing the fonds. In the years 2004-2011 the Salesian Archive of the Province of Pila in collaboration with other institutions organized several exhibitions, which were well received. In the years 2005-2011 the archive organized or co-organized several symposia and academic conferences, including the all-Poland ones. During the period under discussion, the archive also dealt with publishing activities. Currently it releases two book series. The first one, entitled Biographical series under the auspices of ASIP, includes publications presenting the priests: Lucjan Gieros SDB, Stanisław Olędzki SDB, Franciszek Miśki SDB and Stanisław Ormiński. In 2009, another series of publications was released: Studies and source materials under the auspices of the Salesian Archive of the Province of Piła. So far, there have been two publications containing materials from the symposia in Aleksandrów Kujawski and Szczecin. A new series was also created – Bibliographic Series under the auspices of ASIP.
- ItemKościelne początki Tarnowa(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Poniewozik, LeszekThe article presents the earliest history of the church in Tarnów. The current town of Tarnów was founded on the land of the village of Tarnów Wielki in 1330. The village of Tarnów Mały (now Tarnowiec) was located near the village of Tarnów Wielki. Historical sources from the first half of the fourteenth century mention the existence of the parish of Tarnów without specifying whether it is Tarnów Wielki or Mały. The existing literature has adopted the view that the oldest parish of Tarnów was located at St. Martin Church in the present village of Zawada. As a consequence, the village of Zawada was considered to be originally part of Tarnów Wielki or Mały with the origins going back to the twelfth century, and the Benedictines of Tyniec being perceived as its founders. At the beginning of the fourteenth century Tarnów Wielki and Mały and the surrounding villages became the property of Spycimir, Leliwa coat of arms. He contributed to building, on the outskirts of Tarnów Wielki, a castle and then a chapel, the existence of which has been proved since 1331. It was acknowledged that the chapel had been dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and had the parish rights. In 1330 the town of Tarnów was founded in the village of Tarnów Wielki. After that, the Parish of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was established in the main square of the town. The parish has been proved since 1346. Recognizing that fact that St. Martin Parish was connected with Tarnów Wielki meant accepting the claim that in about half of the fourteenth century there were three parishes in the town of Tarnów. Finally, in 1400 the Bishop of Cracow, Piotr Wysz created a collegiate church in Tarnów on the basis of the Parish of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, St. Martin Parish and the castle chapel. The author tried to show in the article that certain parts of the ecclesiastical history of Tarnów have diverged from the truth. According to the literature, St. Martin Parish was connected with Tarnów Mały, which is today Tarnowiec, and the Benedictines should be regarded as its founders. The history of this parish is not so distant. There are no clear source materials which could allow for certainty on this issue, but evidence indicates that it was created in the early thirteenth century. The history of the castle church in Tarnów was also wrongly interpreted. In the light of sources it can be stated that it was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The claim that it was dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is the result of misunderstanding. That is true that there was the church dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Tarnów, but it was not connected with the castle. The theory that the castle chapel had the parish rights is also erroneous. In fact it was an ordinary castle chapel similar to other chapels of this type.
- ItemFiladelfia duchowieństwa pięciu dekanatów: gnieźnieńskiego (śś. Piotra i Pawła), żnińskiego, łekneńskiego, kcyńskiego i rogowskiego z 1801 r.(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Krucki, ŁukaszIn 1801 on the initiative of Andrzej Pesaliński, a parish priest in Juncewo, clergy philadelphia was organized in five deaneries: Gniezno (Sts. Peter and Paul), Żnin, Łekno, Kcynia and Rogów. It was the successor of the earlier confraternities, established in 1743 and including three deaneries: Gniezno (Sts. Peter and Paul), Żnin and Łekno. The basic objectives of the renewed association was to encourage confreres in systematic religious practices, mutual concern and care during illness, and after the death of each of the brothers to celebrate as many Masses as specified by the statute. In addition, each member received a copy of a philadelphia book titled: The inseparable association of five deaneries: Sts. Apostles Peter and Paul Gniezno, Żnin, Łekno, Kcynia and Rogów or close philadelphia of these deaneries(…). Apart from the devotional texts, the book included the list of all members – clergy and laity who resided in the deaneries mentioned in the title. This publication constitutes an important source of information about families of Greater Poland and Pałuki (not only the noble ones), their social position and religious commitment.
- ItemKonferencja naukowa „Rubrycele i schematyzmy Kościoła w Polsce”. Kielce 23-25 maja 2014(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Konarska-Zimnicka, Sylwia
- ItemCharakterystyka zbioru druków z XVI wieku Biblioteki Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Metropolii Warmińskiej „Hosianum” w Olsztynie(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Garwoliński, TomaszThe collection of antique books of the sixteenth century of the Library of Hosianum, the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Warmia in Olsztyn includes 1559 publications. This is not a homogeneous collection, as the library collected vintage books from all over the Diocese of Warmia after World War II. Most publications come from Braniewo, Dobre Miasto, Barczewo and Frombork. They were released in 89 print centers, by 497 publishers. Most were written in Latin. Among the works in the Polish language, there are two copies of the Leopolite Bible, postils, sermons, religious literature and state publications. In the sixteenth-century book collection of the Library „Hosianum” 25 publications are works of ancient writers. An essential part of the literature of that period was represented by religious works. A Patristic period is represented by works of: Tertullian, Origen, St. Cyprian, St. Athanasius, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Ambrose, St. Jerome, St. John Chrysostom, St. Augustine, St Cyril of Alexandria, Theodoret of Cyrus, Cassiodorus, St. Gregory the Great, St. Isidore of Seville, St. Leo I the Great. The theology of the Middle Ages is represented by works of: St. Anselm of Canterbury, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Peter Lombard, St. Albert the Great, St. Bonaventure, St. Thomas Aquinas, Nicholas of Lyra, St. Antoninus of Florence. There are the work of reformers: Erasmus of Rotterdam, Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, John Calvin, John Bugenhagen, and counter reformers: St. John Fisher, John Eck, Peter Soto, Melchior Cano, St. Robert Bellarmine and Johannes Cochlaeusa. Martin Luther is the most often represented author in the sixteenth-century book collection in the Library „Hosianum”(41 works). There are also plenty of books by the authors from the Society of Jesus: St. Peter Canisius, St. Francis Suarez and many others - more or less known. Sixteen works are written by Louis of Granada – a very popular Dominican mystic. In addition, there are works of eminent bishops of Warmia who held important church and state positions: John Dantiscus, Stanislaus Hosius, Marcin Kromer. The collection includes the works of native authors – priests of Warmia, canons and Jesuits working in Braniewo: John Benedict Solfa, Anthony Possevino, Thomas Treter, Fabian Kwadrantyn (Quadrantinus), Frederic Bartsch. There are also the poems of the first humanist poet, born in Warmia, Eustace Knobelsdorf. In the collection we can also fi nd the works of other famous Polish authors, such as: Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski, Mikołaj Rej, Jakub Górski, Rev. Piotr Skarga, Stanisław Reszka. The sixteenth-century book collection of the Library „Hosianum” contains many editions of the Bible (26), liturgical books (among them Missals and agendas of Warmia and the agenda of Cracow of 1517), martyrologies, sermons, codes of civil and canon law. There are the works of the poet Francis Petrarch, works on philosophy, rhetoric, history, literature, astronomy, biology, medicine, economics, geography, and among them the works of the eminent cartographer at a Spanish court – Abraham Ortelius. Some volumes are bound in elaborate sixteenth-century bindings, others have a beautiful decoration in the form of woodcut and copperplate illustrations. The atlas Theatrum orbis terrarum by Abraham Ortelius of 1592 is a masterpiece of decorative art. The analysis of the collection of the Library „Hosianum” in Olsztyn reflects the high intellectual culture of historical Warmia. The value of this library is increased thanks to publications belonging to the representatives of the social and religious life, including bishops of Warmia, who held important public positions in Poland and abroad, as well as the Canons of Warmia, who through studies and travels in Europe, became the owners of valuable and interesting books.
- ItemSpis rzeczy będących w posiadaniu kościoła pw. św. Piotra i Pawła w Imbramowicach sporządzony dnia 25 października 1862 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Skrzydlewska, BeataIn the Archive of the Norbertine Sisters in Imbramowice in the folder entitled The list of things donated to the church of the Norbertine Sisters in Imbramowice there is The register of all church things written on 25 October, 1862. The inventory of 1862 was drawn up when Bronisława Switanowska was the superior of the convent. The period of her reign was the time of changes for the convent in Imbramowice. At first there were no major obstacles in monastic life, and in those times of relative prosperity on 25 October, 1862 a list of things belonging to the convent was made. We learn from it that the convent church was in possession of the following church vestments: chasubles – 43, copes – 10, albs – 23, amises – 29, purificators – 45, corporals – 17, palls – 50, antependia 41. Under the goldsmithery the entry includes: candlesticks: silver – 22, tin – 6, wooden 51, porcelain – 2, tinplated – 2, metal – 6, brass – 1; b) chalices – 6, c) monstrances – 1, reliquaries – 4, a pyx – 1 The register also contains a number of other items, such as carpets, surplices, etc. Paintings and sculptures are not included. This register is particularly valuable because the chronicles relating to that period were written only in 1924, therefore, they are of a retrospective type. Analyzing the inventory of 1862, it can be noticed that some things were given or done by the nuns living in a convent. The register also includes the objects that convent acquired in 1863, 1864, 1866 and 1867. Those are the inventories from the period particularly difficult for the convent. The January Uprising initiated great changes. And the year 1864 was extremely critical for Imbramowice as it was then when, after the collapse of the uprising, the convent was ordered to be close down. As the records show at that time donations also came from the Norbertine Sisters in Imbramowice. In addition, the Norbertine Sisters of Pinczów (Busk) after the liquidation of their convent brought their possession to Imbramowice in 1864. The last two registers come from the years 1866 and 1867.
- ItemBractwa religijne w diecezji lubelskiej w XIX wieku – stan liczbowy(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Partyka, WiesławThe brotherhood movement was born in the Church in the fourth century. Brotherhoods usually operated in churches and monasteries, and their aim was to strengthen the piety of the faithful through the implementation of the objectives of charitable and social activities, as well as activities connected with worship. In Poland, religious brotherhoods appeared in the thirteenth century and developed over the centuries. They flourished in the seventeenth and eighteenth century and were introduced into the majority of parishes. At the end of the fourteenth century, they appeared in the region of Lublin. In the period before the partitions there were 174 brotherhoods in that region. With the collapse of the Polish State, religious brotherhoods also experienced a serious crisis. The Diocese of Lublin was founded in 1805. Under the new organizational structures brotherhoods continued to operate and pursue their goals. Despite a series of reprisals from the partitioners, which wanted to tightly control and even restrict the activity of brotherhoods, they effectively coped with those difficulties opposing the secularization of society. On the basis of the records of canonical visitation of the nineteenth century and the two registrations of brotherhoods in that period, it was possible to establish that in the nineteenth century in the Diocese of Lublin there were199 brotherhoods. The vast majority of brotherhoods were Marian ones – 124, of which 91 Rosary ones, 24 scapular ones and 9 others. Among other fraternities quite numerously represented were the ones dedicated to the Holy Trinity (24), St. Anna (15), Mercy (12). The number of such fraternities as Corpus Christi (3), St. Tekla (3), St. John of Nepomuk (3) Literary (2), St. Anthony (2) and Heart of Jesus (2) was small. There was also one brotherhood of Guardian Angels, one of the Holy Name of Jesus, Lovers of Crucified Jesus, Merciful Jesus (dying), St. Cross, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Barbara, St. Yvonne and St. Francis of Assisi’s belt. Some of them disappeared at the beginning of the nineteenth century, some operated continuously for a long time, and others came into existence in the period under discussion. It is hoped that the issue concerning the functioning of religious brotherhoods in the nineteenth century will soon be more detailed studied, as in the case of the fraternities operating in the period before the Partitions of Poland. It is essential to better understand not only the functioning of the brotherhoods in an entirely new political situation of the Polish Church, but also their impact on moral and religious renewal, and perhaps on the increase in the patriotic sentiments of wider social groups.
- ItemSalezjański wotywny kościół Matki Bożej Ostrobramskiej we Lwowie. Historia i dzień dzisiejszy(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Żurek, Waldemar WitoldThe Metropolitan Archbihop of Lviv of the Latin Rite Bolesław Twardowski (1854- 1944) was the founder and the initiator of the construction of the Church of Our Lady of Ostra Brama in the district of Lviv - Górny Łyczaków. The votive church dedicated to the Mother of Mercy was to be a symbol of gratitude for the return of Lviv and Eastern Galicia to their homeland after years of captivity. Started in 1931, the construction of the church was completed and on 7 October 1934, Archbishop Twardowski consecrated it. After that ceremony, at the residence of the archbishop the votive church was given to the Salesians of the Province of St. Jack in Cracow. The Church of Our Lady of Ostra Brama was a rectoral church in the parish of St. Anthony where the Salesians carried out pastoral ministry until 4 June 1946. In 1989, the church was taken over by the Salesians of the Byzantine-Ukrainian Rite where in 1992, the parish of the Protection of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos (Pokrov) was erected.
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- ItemTablica upamiętniająca zamordowanych organistów diecezji lubelskiej(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Misiura, GrzegorzThe article presents a plaque commemorating organists of the Diocese of Lublin who were murdered by the Nazis in different places and circumstances. The plaque is located in the vestibule of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Lublin. Before the war this church was the place where there was the office of the Board of the College of the Organists in the Diocese of Lublin. The article focuses on the circumstances of putting up and blessing the plaque. That was possible thanks to the efforts of the members of the Commission of Organists Affairs, attached to the Episcopal Curia in Lublin. Then the author quotes the detailed biographies of the people whose names are inscribed on the plaque, primarily taking account of their war experiences, as well as the places and dates of their service in positions of organists in individual parishes. Some biographies include discovered camp photographs and the scans of signatures from the registers. These photos complement and illustrate the written text. Doing the research for the article, the author established contact with the archives of the former Nazi concentration camps, some state archives in Poland and selected Registry Offices, where he received the appropriate materials. The article is supplemented with the information from the literature, the press and the Internet. The next part of the article presents, in a table, war experiences of the organists listed on the plaque and the analysis of this material, which results in the statistical information given by the author. The last part makes reference to the post-war organists’ memories of their murdered colleagues, which was reflected in the documentation produced by them.
- ItemZarys problematyki budownictwa i strat wojennych w kościołach parafialnych diecezji lubelskiej po I wojnie światowej(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Kumor-Mielnik, JoannaThe content of this article is an introduction to a wider spectrum of the issues related to losses of life and material things the Diocese of Lublin suffered after the First World War. The article focuses on two major issues related firstly to the reconstruction of destroyed parish churches in the Diocese of Lublin in the postwar period and using for this purpose state subsidies and funds from the contributions of the parishioners; and secondly, related to the dynamics and intensity of the construction of new parish churches at that time. The rebuilding of churches and buildings connected with them was a priority in the field of renovation and construction projects after World War I. The matter of less importance was to initiate the construction of new churches, erected mainly at the expense of parishioners, rarely with the use of state subsidies. In the 1930s the movement of building parish churches intensified. It was, however, a short-lived process, interrupted by the outbreak of another war. The dynamic growth in the number of new churches, observed in a relatively short period of time was caused, among other things, by the use of cheaper and more readily available wood, which resulted in the increase in wooden churches in the interwar period. The concise characterization of building regulations in the context of the construction of parish churches in the postwar period, the same as in the case of other issues, requires further research and in-depth analysis.
- ItemNational Forum of the Directors of the Diocesan Archives in Poland(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Żurek, Waldemar Witold
- ItemPrzegląd bibliograficzny(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Hamryszczak, Artur Paweł; Kiper, Daniel