Verbum Vitae, 2020, T. 37, Nr 2: Varia
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- ItemDaughters in the Deuterocanonical Books of the Old Testament(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Wojciechowski, MichałThe instances where daughters are mentioned in the Greek books of the Old Testament are not numerous. They are interesting, however, and deserving of exegesis and interpretation. In Tobit and Ben Sira their relationship to fathers are stressed and this aspect is of importance, whether those relationships are good or strained. If the texts are compared with the Hebrew Bible, more light is thrown on the personalities of the daughters, and they are valued more highly. Some influence of the Greek civilization can be presupposed here. A link with the Mediterranean culture of honor and shame can also be traced, especially in Ben Sira.
- ItemPermissibility of Death Penalty as a Hermeneutic Dilemma(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Kosche, MichałThe notion of moral fairness regarding the application (or not) of capital punishment is stretched between two poles of opposite interpretative meanings. On the one hand, there is an imperative related to maintaining the social order which justifies, in some specific cases, the killing of an individual for the good of the community. On the other hand, there is the message of the Gospel about the holiness of each human life. Thus, in attempting to investigate the fairness of the death penalty, a certain hermeneutic tension arises around the overlapping rights and obligations pertaining to both the criminal and the society that needs to be protected against him or her. This article starts from an outlook on the death penalty that pays due regard to a ‘hermeneutic charge’ that encompasses both the duty to protect the common good and also the value of each individual’s life. Next, the ‘genuine paradox’ was analysed which emerges in a situation where the right to live and the right to protect overlap. All these considerations are finally brought to bear on a question: whether the recent abolitionist interpretation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church should be classified as the continuity hermeneutic or, rather, the discontinuity hermeneutic.
- ItemThe Eschatological Spirituality of “the Sons of Light” in Qumran(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Wróbel, Mirosław StanisławOne of the most important features of the members of the Qumran community, who referred to themselves by the name “the sons of light,” was aspiration to holiness by observing the Law, purity and cult. The spirituality of the Qumran community was founded on the New Covenant which would be fulfilled “at the end of the days”. This eschatological reality was stressed in the practical spirituality of the members of the Qumran community. In the present article, the spirituality of the Qumran community will be presented via three points: (1) The origin of the Qumran community; (2) The community of a New Covenant with God; and (3) Eschatological beliefs. Our accumulated knowledge about the spirituality of the Qumran community and its beliefs enables us to better understand many eschatological texts of the Old Testament and Intertestamental Literature. It also indicates to us certain similarities and differences with the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
- ItemCatechesis and Catholic Religious Education: Distinct Nonetheless Complementary(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Sultana, Carl-MarioCatechesis and religious education are two ways in which the ministry for the education for the faith is exercised, but within different physical contexts and with interlocutors coming from different backgrounds. Moreover, both catechesis and religious education share the same contents, which are passed on to the interlocutors. This paper seeks to shed some light on the relationship between catechesis and religious education, in terms of their being distinct but at the same time complementary to each other. In this pursuit, we put forward arguments from both directions, those in favour of considering Catholic Religious Education and catechesis as identical and those viewing the two as distinct. The aim is to highlight the specific mission and role of each in education for the faith of the contemporary human being.
- ItemThe Theology of Spirituality: Its Growing Importance Amid the Transformations of the Modern World and the Church(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Rybicki, AdamThis article raises issues surrounding the theology of spirituality as a relatively new theological focus. It argues that, faced with a changing world and numerous new (or perceived as new) phenomena, the theology of spirituality, as a scholarly area examining spiritual experience, is becoming a branch of theological research of increasing importance. The first part of this article focuses on the ever-growing areas of interest found within the theology of spirituality, a growth stemming from the core of the field itself (agere sequitur esse). The second part emphasizes the newer areas of interest within the theology of spirituality. These new horizons arise from the pluralism of theology itself and the criteria used in differentiating theological disciplines, such as ethno-geographic, doctrinal, and ascetic-practical concerns. In particular, amid a fast-changing world in which information and mutual contact have become incredibly accessible, the interpenetration of cultures and traditions can not only be of great value but also carry the dangers of a chaotic eclecticism. As this accessibility becomes ever easier and more pervasive, contemporary human beings can thus become confused, not only about their worldviews but also concerning their spiritual and religious beliefs. Thus, research into the theology of spirituality is becoming increasingly more important.
- ItemMedia Education and the New Evangelization. Part One: Media Components and Challenges(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Chmielewski, MirosławThis article represents the first instalment of a two-part study on the relationship between media education and the new evangelization. The author puts forward a claim that pursuing the new evangelization in the Church demands the media education of the evangelizers and their cooperation with leaders in media education. Proving this thesis advances via three stages: (1) Outlining selected components of the media context of the new evangelization, in light of selected theses from the Church Magisterium; (2) Discussing selected challenges for both media education and the new evangelization; and (3) Presenting selected postulates and educational proposals for media literacy formation and the new evangelization. This last part outlines five media components of the new evangelization, along with three main challenges for both media and the new evangelization, stemming from their interrelationship. The main research methods used in this article are: the Magisterial method, sub ratione Dei, and comparative synthesis
- ItemOn Some Anthropological Foundations of Spirituality(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Jastrzębski, AndrzejTaking into account today’s progression towards a better notion of spirituality, the development of universal anthropological foundations is of vital importance. They can be found in the classical metaphysical understanding of the human mind. From a practical point of view, spirituality expresses itself in the way people think and behave. To better understand the anthropological foundations of spirituality, we will begin by examining two ways of discovering reality: intuition of being and intuition of good. Looking at these intuitions will give us a better understanding of the issues pertaining to spirituality with its self-transcending dynamism.
- ItemPrzemysław Adam Wiśniewski, La discendenza di Aronne. Studio diacronico di Ex 24*; Lv 10*; Nb 17*; Nb 27* (Supplementi alla Rivista Biblica 62; Bologna: EDB 2017)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Rzepka, BarbaraThe book review of Przemysław Adam Wiśniewski, La discendenza di Aronne. Studio diacronico di Ex 24*; Lv 10*; Nb 17*; Nb 27* (Supplementi alla Rivista Biblica 62; Bologna: EDB 2017). Pp. 282. € 36,00. ISBN 978-88-10-254-5.
- ItemShaping the Spirituality of Communion in Church Communities(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Polak, Mieczysław KazimierzThe activity of the Church results from its identity, and one constitutive element of this identity is the dimension of community. It is expressed, above all, by shaping the spirituality of communion in church communities. This spirituality has its foundations in the communion character of the presbyter's pastoral ministry and refers to the gospel commandment of love. It is shaped by Christian prayer centered on the Eucharist. The spirituality of communion built upon such foundations should permeate church community structures, which are made up, first and foremost, by parishes. On their own, parishes are not able to pass on the experience of church communion. Only by being infused with the spirituality of communion can they become spaces for experiencing the community dimension of the Church's life.
- ItemWestern Sophiology? The "Eternal Feminine” in the Thought of Henri de Lubac(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Persidok, AndrzejNiniejsze studium poświęcone jest mariologii i eklezjologii Henri de Lubac’a. Zostały w nim poddane analizie te dzieła, w których podkreśla on jedność tych dwóch dziedzin teologii, odwołując się przede wszystkim do Ojców Kościoła oraz do myśli Pierre’a Teilharda de Chardin. Staramy się pokazać, że nie są to czysto historyczne odwołania, ale wyraz osobistej refleksji samego De Lubac’a, która tworzy pewną spójną całość. Całość ta została zrekonstruowana w zakończeniu artykułu. W ten sposób ukazał się obecny u niego rodzaj „zachodniej sofiologii”, teologicznej syntezy, w której ważną rolę odgrywa „pierwiastek kobiecy” oraz widoczny staje się centralny, a nie peryferyjny charakter prawd wiary dotyczących Bogurodzicy i Kościoła.