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- ItemAdwentowa radość Maryi(Centrum Formacji Maryjnej „Salvatoris Mater” w Licheniu, 2003) Derdziuk, AndrzejL’attesa di Avvento è permeata dalla gioia. La Vergine Maria partecipa nella gioia messianica dell’Antico Testamento. Ella gioisce nel servire Dio e anche quando scopre il suo piano salvifico riguardo sia Israele sia la sua persona. Lo si vede in modo particolare nel “Magnificat” e nel suo inserimento nella vita religiosa del suo popolo. L’invito alla gioia nell’annunciazione esprime bene la situazione di Maria nella pienezza dei tempi quando viene il Messia. Maria sperimenta anche la profonda gioia in quanto Sposa di Giuseppe e Madre di Gesù. La sua vita quotidiana fu legata alle gioie di Madre della famiglia. Il suo gioire riguardava in modo articolare la presenza accanto al Figlio. La gioia di Maria è pienamente umana, ma nello stesso tempo sopranaturale. Essere veramente gioioso è possibile soltanto per quelli che vivono nella fede la vicinanza di Dio. Questa gioia ci permette di affrontare le difficoltà della vita. L’avvento è una scuola della vera e la profonda gioia cristiana.
- ItemAretologia encykliki Laudato Si’(Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne oo. Bernardynów w Kalwarii Zebrzydowskiej, 2017) Derdziuk, AndrzejThe care for Nature shouldn’t be put out of the margin of the Christians’ earthly involvement. Respect for the creatures’ integrity is the part of human response for God’s call to make the Earth subdued. Only the man harmonized internally by the virtues is able to keep the balance between spiritual and material values. Internal struggle for mastering one’s own passions and desires and for devel- oping one’s best aspirations and potentials to do good is of the utmost importance for external world and is a sine qua non condition for realisation one’s vocation to become holy. Theological and cardinal virtues – generating specific attitudes towards the world – must be stressed out of the whole catalogue of virtues which might serve the ecology. The responsibility for propagating such moral proficiencies belongs to the family, the Church, the country and NGOs themselves.
- ItemArtur Hącia, Psychiatra i jego misja w nauczaniu Kościoła, Poligrafia Salezjańska, Lublin 2017, s. 449.(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2017) Derdziuk, AndrzejRecenzja: Artur Hącia, Psychiatra i jego misja w nauczaniu Kościoła, Poligrafia Salezjańska, Lublin 2017, s. 449.
- ItemAttitudes towards poverty(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2015) Derdziuk, AndrzejPoverty, perceived as a lack of basic consumer goods, gives rise to a whole range of outcomes which affect not only the material dimension of human existence, but also influence social relations and references to spiritual values. Attitudes which could be associated with involuntary and unacceptable poverty include: doubt in the Divine Providence, bitterness, jealousy and envy, blaming others, lack of gratitude and in perceiving good, laziness, lack of initiative, escalating demands, gluttony and greed as well as meanness. However, joy, peace, freedom and solidarity with the poor, as well as work and enterprise, are symptoms of evangelical attitudes of the poor in spirit. Attitudes to poverty point to a wide range of human behaviours towards possessions and in effect, reveal an individual’s sense of value.
- ItemBanki zastawne(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2004) Derdziuk, AndrzejThe institution of pious banks, also called monti di pietà or monti frumentarii, that developed in the 15th and 16th centuries was an element of the Christian love of the neighbor. The essence of the pawn banks, or com banks, consisted in lending various objects, corn or money at low interest. Franciscans, Observantines and Capuchins were especially active in establishing these mutual aid institutions. The initial capital was obtained from collection after a sermon calling for active love of the neighbor. Next, voluntary donations and testament legacies contributed to the capital. Pawn banks had their statutes defining the way and range of giving loans and specifying the composition of the supervisory boards that included the bishop, the parish-priest, representatives of the municipal authorities and the guardian of the Franciscan or Capuchin order. The low interest was a reason for significant controversy in those times. Because of categorical condemnation of usury Franciscans were accused of favoring this activity. Only the intervention of Lateran Council V allowing reasonable interest resulted in cessation of intense disputes concerning this matter.
- ItemBezrobocie jako wyzwanie dla podmiotów życia społeczno-gospodarczego(Najwyższa Izba Kontroli, 2006) Derdziuk, Andrzej; Zadroga, Adam
- ItemBrat Kalikst Kłoczko OFMCap w publikacjach papierowych i mediach elektronicznych(Prowincja św. Franciszka z Asyżu Zakonu Braci Mniejszych – Franciszkanów w Polsce, 2021) Derdziuk, AndrzejArtykuł przedstawia fenomen popularności brata zakonnego Kaliksta Mariana Kłoczki (1930–2013), prostego kapucyńskiego stolarza z lubelskiej Poczekajki, który zapisał się głęboko w świadomości wiernych i jest obecny w mediach katolickich. Autor tekstu omówił publikacje w czasopismach i książki na temat brata Kaliksta oraz doniesienia zamieszczane w Internecie. Obok tego zostały zaprezentowane filmy emitowane w telewizji i słuchowiska radiowe poświęcone postaci kapucyńskiego kandydata na ołtarze. Szerokie zainteresowanie mediów bratem Kalikstem jest z jednej strony powodowane skuteczną promocją postaci świątobliwego współbrata przez zakon kapucynów, z drugiej zaś jest świadectwem jego duchowego oddziaływania przez niezwykłą dobroć i osiągniętą świętość potwierdzaną przez Boga łaskami i cudami uzyskiwanymi za wstawiennictwem skromnego skrobidechy. The article presents the phenomenon of popularity of the religious brother Callixtus Marian Kłoczko (1930–2013), a simple Capuchin carpenter from Lublin, who was deeply engraved in the minds of the faithful and is present in the Catholic media. The author of the text discussed publications in magazines and books about brother Callixtus and reports posted on the Internet. In addition, films broadcast on television and radio plays devoted to the figure of the Capuchin candidate for the altars were presented. The wide media interest in brother Callixtus is, on the one hand, caused by the effective promotion of the figure of a saintly confrere by the Capuchin Order, and on the other hand, it is a testimony to his spiritual influence through extraordinary goodness and achieved holiness confirmed by God with graces and miracles obtained through the intercession of a modest carpenter.
- ItemChrystocentryzm personalistyczny(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009) Derdziuk, AndrzejChristocentrism is now one of the most widespread ideas in moral theology, allowing a coherent definition of the issues of moral life. The personalistic character of Christocentrism indicates the necessity of defining Christian morality in the perspective of the first person, owing to which a Christian not so much is directed by some outer law written down outside him, as searches for the true good, according to the principle of being open to the truth that is written in his conscience. A bond with Christ may be formed on the plane of motivation that results from undertaking the task of following, from the ontic rootedness as a new creature and on the basis of identification of one’s aim with the aspiration that is in Christ. The „Christo-form” of human life gives a man a new identity and opens him to participation in the Trinitarian life. The biblical ideas that define the personalistic dimension of Christocentrism most fully, are the idea of vocation and the idea of the New Covenant, which have been given a significant place in Polish moral theology. Pointing to a dynamic and responsorial character of Christian morality these ideas allow an integral definition of the phenomenon of aspiration to perfection in love that is at the same time a fullness of personal life.
- ItemChrystocentryzmy parcjalne w teologii moralnej(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2008) Derdziuk, AndrzejThe Methodology of moral theology has developed while seeking not only a learned character of this discipline, but also turning attention to the specific character of Christian morality, a morality that should be rooted in Christ. Christocentrism does not only mean that moral theologians are concentrated on Christ, but first of all that they show Christian life as joined with Christ who is the personal norm and source of the Christian’s might. Various biblical ideas that seek to show the essence of being rooted in Christ are only partial in their attempts to show this reality. They fail to embrace the whole of the Christian's tie with the Saviour. The basic problem of these ideas is to focus on one of the aspects of the salvific reality or to show that a selected biblical idea is not applied to systematise all moral theological tracts. It is essential to grasp the relationship between nature and grace, and this may be done on condition that biblical data are appropriately used and studied by theology with its respective philosophy.
- ItemCnota jako kapitał społeczny(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015) Derdziuk, AndrzejNiniejszy artykuł, opisując pojęcie cnoty i jej miejsce w formowaniu dojrzałości osoby, wskazuje na społeczny wymiar sprawności moralnych, które znajdują swe reperkusje w relacjach międzyludzkich. Cnota stanowi kapitał społeczny przez to, że wyzwala w człowieku określone mechanizmy uzdalniające go do zaangażowania się w realizację dobra wspólnego. Staje się ona szczególnym spoiwem ludzkich relacji, gdy zapewnia człowiekowi warunki do nawiązywania egzystencjalnych więzi z innymi oraz kształtuje osobowy sposób przeżywania i reagowania na pojawiające się wyzwania. Cztery cnoty kardynalne: roztropność, sprawiedliwość, męstwo i umiarkowanie tworzą spójną kwadrygę postaw, które warunkują zdolność panowania nad sobą i możność odpowiedzialnego udzielania się na rzecz innych. Najwyższym przejawem kapitału społecznego jest miłość, dzięki której człowiek jest gotowy oddać życie w służbie bliźniego. The present article, describing the concept of virtue and its place in the formation of a person’s maturity, points to the social dimension of moral competences that have their repercussions in interpersonal relations. Virtue is a social capital thanks to the fact that it triggers definite mechanisms in a man, enabling him to get involved in the realization of the common good. It becomes a special cement of human relations when it ensures proper conditions for forming existential bonds with others and it shapes a personal way of experiencing the challenges that one encounters and of responding to them. The four cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, courage and temperance make up a cohesive quartet of attitudes that determine one’s ability to control himself and the possibility to help others in a responsible way. The supreme manifestation of the social capital is love, owing to which a man is prepared to give his life in the service of his neighbor.
- ItemConfession of Men. Introduction to the Research(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2017) Derdziuk, AndrzejThe issue of men’s confession is very little developed, although it is seem as an important research problem. Contemporary conditions of experiencing masculinity include changes in civilisation and the development of various types of therapies which, despite revealing wounds, do not always help to overcome them. Interdisciplinary research on confession of men shows that their motivation to recourse to the sacrament of penance includes the desire to meet an understanding confessor who will help them regain confidence and self–reliance. Willingness to overcome weaknesses lies at the heart of seeking help in mastering one’s lusts and sins. Men’s different approach to moral problems consists of their willingness to solve the problem quickly, or of resorting to illusory escape from the experienced difficulty. It is important to show the theological aspect of confession which is an encounter with Christ who defeated sin and death in the mystery of the cross and resurrection. Zagadnienie spowiedzi mężczyzn jest bardzo mało opracowane, choć jawi się jako ważny problem badawczy. Do współczesnych uwarunkowań przeżywania męskości należą zmiany cywilizacyjne oraz rozwój różnego rodzaju terapii, które ujawniając zranienia, nie zawsze pomagają je przezwyciężyć. Interdyscyplinarne badania nad spowiedzią mężczyzn ukazują, że ich motywacją przystępowania do sakramentu pokuty jest pragnienie spotkania z rozumiejącym spowiednikiem, który pomoże im odzyskać pewność i zaufanie do samego siebie. Chęć pokonania słabości leży u podstaw szukania pomocy w opanowaniu swych pożądliwości i grzechów. Odmienność traktowania trudności moralnych przez mężczyzn polega na chęci ich szybkiego rozwiązania lub pokonywaniu znalezionej złudnej formy ucieczki od przeżywanych trudności. Istotne jest ukazanie teologicznego wymiaru spowiedzi jako spotkania z Chrystusem pokonującym grzech i śmierć w tajemnicy krzyża i zmartwychwstania.
- ItemCyprian Jan Wichrowicz OP, Zarys teologii moralnej w ujęciu tomistycznym, Wydawnictwo „M”, Kraków 2002, s. 316.(Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, 2003) Derdziuk, Andrzej
- ItemCzłowiek-miłość-rodzina. "Humanae vitae" po 30 latach. Sprawozdanie z sympozjum sekcji Telogii Moralnej KUL(Instytut Jana Pawła II KUL, Fundacja Jana Pawła II, 1999) Derdziuk, Andrzej
- ItemDialog chrześcijan i muzułmanów w Stambule. Sprawozdanie z sympozjum międzyreligijnego(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2016) Derdziuk, Andrzej
- ItemDionigi Tettamanzi. Dizionario di bioetica. A cura di Marco Doldi. Casale Monferrato: Piemme 2002 ss. 457.(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2004) Derdziuk, Andrzej
- ItemDobro wspólne(Najwyższa Izba Kontroli, 2002) Derdziuk, Andrzej
- ItemDoroczne spotkanie naukowe Stowarzyszenia Teologów Moralistów w Polsce(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2021) Derdziuk, Andrzej
- ItemDroga zawierzenia Jacka Krawczyka (1966-1991)(Księgarnia św. Jacka, 2018) Derdziuk, AndrzejJacek Krawczyk (1966-1991), studiujący teologię dla świeckich na KUL, osiągnął doskonałość w życiu wiarą, nadzieją i miłością, całym sercem angażując się w służbę Bogu i człowiekowi. Otrzymał staranne wychowanie religijne w domu rodzinnym i przez pogłębione życie modlitwy odnalazł drogę swojego świeckiego powołania do świętości, które zostało potwierdzone przez jego heroiczną miłość w służbie chorym i ubogim. Dojrzałość wiary i głębia zaufania wobec Boga wyraziła się przez mężne znoszenie śmiertelnej choroby, w której karmiony sakramentami Kościoła, do końca okazał wierność Chrystusowi. Jacek jest wzorem młodego, nowoczesnego człowieka, który zachowując wrażliwość na piękno i dobro oraz krótko ciesząc się życiem w małżeństwie, konsekwentnie dojrzewał do wieczności. Jacek Krawczyk (1966-1991), studying theology for the laity at the Catholic University of Lublin, achieved perfection in his life of faith, hope and love, with all his heart being engaged in service to God and human being. He received careful religious education in his family home and through his deepened life of prayer, he found the way of his lay call to holiness, which was confirmed by his heroic love in the service of the sick and the poor. His maturity of faith and depth of trust in God have been expressed throughout the valiant endurance of a fatal illness during which, nourished by the sacraments of the Church, he remained faithful to Christ. Jacek is a model of a young, modern man who, while being sensitive to beauty and good, and having enjoyed a short life in a marriage, has consistently grown in maturity to eternity.
- ItemDuchowe dziedzictwo kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2020) Derdziuk, Andrzejrec.: Andrzej Bohdanowicz, Jacek Hadryś, Maciej Olczyk, Aby życie mieli w obfitości. Refleksje nad duchowym dziedzictwem Stefana kardynała Wyszyńskiego, UAM, Poznań 2019. Jest to omówienie książki dotyczącej Prymasa Wyszyńskiego na temat kapłaństwa służebnego i miejsca osób świeckich w Kościele.
- ItemEklezjalny charakter teologii moralnej(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2007) Derdziuk, AndrzejWhile reflecting on the ecclesial character of moral theology, we have to consider three points. The theologian must rely on faith transmitted by the Church, co-operate with the Magisterial Office of the Church, and bear in mind the addressee of the message of moral theology. The condition that he should be within the faith of the Church means that he is ready to draw on the treasure of Tradition. This Tradition not only contains some contents, but also says how to experience and transmit them. Co-operation with the Magisterium does not consist only in commenting some documents of the Church, but in undertaking new questions and problems that have not been entirely solved in the teaching of the Church. The addressees of the moral theologian's message are believers. They have a right to expect clear principles of moral life and support how to solve problems in the moral assessment of their action. Moral theology should initiate dialogue with non-believers, so that by using rational arguments it could find a way to the sublime evangelical teaching about good.