Ksiądz dr hab. Jan Bednarczyk – życie i działalność na niwie bibliotekarskiej

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The goal of this article is to bring near the person of rev. dr. Jan Bednarczyk, the managing di-rector of the Library of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow in the years 1989-2012 (at the Library since 1984), to present his biography, his achievements, sciences and organizational activities, and to show his contribution to science and pragmatism connected with the libraries. He was the originator of construction the new library building for the increasing collection and staff as well. The rev. Jan Bednarczyk was putting a lot of effort into the execution of building the new lib-rary for years and it was finished with success. He conducted the sciences activity in the field of theology and philosophy and didactic activity connected with the librarianship. The rev. Bednarczyk took up teaching both at the UPJPII and the Jagiellonian Univeristy too. He entrusted his successors with the task of develope and looking after the modern and efficiently working library and at the present he is coming back to do the work of ministry of the Catholic Church, the same as at the beginning of his priest’s life.
bibliotekoznawstwo, biografia, ewangelizacja, duszpasterstwo, library science, references, evangelism, clergy
„Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne”, 2013, T. 100, s. 219-229