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- Item10th Polish-Italian Law Colloquium: “Security and Democracy,” Bari, 19–20 October 2023(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Grądzka, Ilona
- Item11th Scientific Seminar of the Department of Civil Procedure of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Vienna, 24 June 2023(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Lisowska-Krakowiak, Sylwia
- Item12th Scientific Seminar of the Department of Civil Procedure of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Milan, 22 June 2024(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Wójcik, Dominika
- Item7th ICLARS Conference "The Accommodation of Religion or Belief in the Public Sphere: Undeserved Privilege or Fundamental Right?", Notre Dame, Indiana, October 21-23, 2024(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Savić, Vanja-Ivan7th ICLARS Conference The Accommodation of Religion or Belief in the Public Sphere: Undeserved Privilege or Fundamental Right?, Notre Dame University in Indiana, USA, October 21–23, 2024. The International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ICLARS) is one of the most important associations of legal scholars, legal practitioners and social scientists in the interdisciplinary field of law and religion. Sprawozdanie z VII międzynarodowej konferencji pt. Akomodacja religii lub przekonań w sferze publicznej: Nienależny przywilej czy prawo podstawowe?, zorganizowanej na Uniwersytecie Notre Dame w stanie Indiana (USA) w dniach 21–23 października 2024 r. Jej organizatorem było międzynarodowe konsorcjum ICLARS (The International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies).
- ItemA Bottom-up Look at Mutual Trust and the Legal Practice of the Aranyosi Test(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Peristeridou, ChristinaThis contribution offers an insight into the legal practice of the Aranyosi test during the EAW proceedings in seven Member States, an outcome of the research conducted during the ImprovEAW Project. Only the executing judicial authorities of some Member States do trigger the test. Member States are roughly differentiated between those having facilities with usually bad or usually good detention conditions, promoting antagonistic relationships instead of equal partnership. The lack of streamlining of the communication when supplementary information is requested, the lack of common standards and approach towards guarantees lead to further misunderstandings and frustration. The findings of this research have revealed the importance of departing from a pure legal understanding of mutual trust and follow a more empirical, experiential or bottom-up concept. Mutual trust is not only a legal concept, but it underpins the legal culture of the cooperation and collegial attitudes of authorities towards one another. This expression of mutual trust remains quite undiscovered: how is miscommunication affecting mutual trust? Do judicial authorities of legal systems express collegiality to one another? How do cultural aspects and preconceived ideas regarding the quality of other legal systems influence mutual trust? Accordingly, some suggestions have been made to improve the cooperation and the establishment of rapport when supplementary information is requested. Finally, I advocate for a more neutral view towards the Aranyosi test. As opposed to considering it as a supervisory mechanism, I have explored the idea of approaching it as a risk management tool: it tackles risks created by mutual trust. Such approach helps both sides to take responsibility to avert ad hoc risks, instead of experiencing Aranyosi as a testing moment. Such approach centres the real problem, i.e. the risks created by mutual trust for individuals and it can stimulate more proactive policy-making in this regard.
- ItemA case for two voices in Old Church Slavonic – reflexively marked OCS verbs(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2015) Malicka-Kleparska, AnnaOld Church Slavonic data manifest significant similarities in the distribution and formal properties of anticausatives, reflexives, subject experiencer verbs, statives, and reciprocals, while their semantics may also be viewed as partly uniform. The structures representing the said classes of verbs are very frequent in the language, while passive structures, formed with analytic morpho-syntactic constructions, are relatively infrequent. Consequently, the expressions headed by anticausatives, reflexives, subject experiencer verbs, statives, and reciprocals (as well as dative impersonal structures) encroach on the area of semantics belonging in Modern Slavic to be the realm expressed in terms of passive morpho-syntax. The conclusion that can be drawn from this state of affairs is that Old Church Slavonic is characterized by the opposition of active and middle voices, while the passive voice is in its infancy.
- ItemA century of codification of the cooperative law in Poland(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2022) Pietrzykowski, KrzysztofThis article aims to present the evolution of Polish cooperative law, primarily using the historical method. The Act on cooperatives was passed on 29 October 1920 and entered into force on 1 January 1921. Its provisions concerning the auditing of cooperatives, audit associations and the Cooperative Council were substantially amended by the Act of 13 March 1934, which began the process of subordinating cooperatives and audit associations to state authorities. Further changes, which increased this subordination to an even greater extent, were introduced after the Second World War and led to the outright nationalisation of Polish cooperatives. The Act on cooperatives was repealed by the Act of 17 February 1961 on cooperatives and their associations. In turn, the Act on cooperatives and their associations was repealed by the Act of 16 September 1982 – Cooperative Law, which saw several amendments. The provisions of the Cooperative Law were amended by the Act of 7 July 1994 amending the Cooperative Law and certain other acts. The Act of 3 June 2005 amending the Act on Housing Cooperatives and certain other acts introduced significant changes to the Cooperative Law as well.
- ItemA Comparative Analysis of Data Protection in E-commerce B2C Contracts in Georgia and the European Union(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Gugava, Nato; Kobaladze, Lika; Kenia, Tamta; Kobakhidze, OlikoDevelopment of technologies is a great human achievement. Online portals, mobile applications and digital platforms allow citizens to receive servicies remotely, which, on the one hand, reduces necessity of on-site visits and bureauctratic procedures, however, on the other hand, increases the risk of personal data disclosure processed in such manner. Digital tools play significant role in the process of E-commerce, especially in improving efficiency and accessibility of communication between the consumer and the trader. A lot of people communicate with the extensive use of the internet and technologies, including e-procurement, which, in these relationships require the correct processing of personal data, whereas improper protection of great deal of information increases risks of using data for criminal purposes and threatens personal privacy of consumers. Hence, it is important that organizations providing the internet services, especially those involved in e-commerce business, be well aware of obligations they are imposed by law. It is worth noting, that Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection” was adopted by Georgia in 2011, and its renewed version is quite similar to General Data Protection Regulation of Europe (DGPR) – which was adopted on June 14, 2023 and will enter into force on March 1, 2024. Within changes, the existed standard for personal data processing/protection will be substantially improved. As for protecting personal data processed on the basis of the B2C contracts concluded in the process of E-commerce, the interest regarding these topics increased after spread of coronavirus (Covid-19), when country faced new challenges. This issue is relevant even in the present time, since staying current with technological and legal development, renewed legal regulation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Georgia, imposes additional obligations on the country in the process of perfecting the mentioned field. Accordingly, this article will discuss compliance of regulatory framework of processing/protection of Georgian consumers’ personal data in the online contracts with international standards and existing challenges, to assume obligations of the country under the Association Agreement between Georgia and the European Union to implement E-commerce in practice, best practices of European countries in this regard and the perspective, which Georgia should implement in E-commerce process, in order to insure effective protection of consumers’ data security. It is worth noting, that Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection” was adopted in 2011 by Georgia, and its renewed version is quite similar to General Data Protection Regulation of Europe (DGPR) – which was adopted on June 14th, 2023 and will enter into force on March 1, 2024. Within changes, the existed standard for personal data processing/protection will be substantially improved. As for protecting personal data processed on the basis of the B2C contracts concluded in the process of E-commerce, the interest regarding these topics increased after spread of Corona Virus (“Covid-19”), when country faced new challenges. This issue is relevant even in the present time, since staying current with technological and legal development, renewed legal regulation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Georgia, imposes additional obligations on the country in the process of perfecting the mentioned field. Accordingly, this article will discuss compliance of regulatory framework of processing/protection of Georgian consumers’ personal data in the online contracts with international standards and existing challenges, to assume obligations of the country under the Association Agreement between Georgia and the European Union to implement E-commerce in practice, best practices of European countries in this regard and the perspective, which Georgia should implement in E-commerce process, in order to insure effective protection of consumers’ data security.
- ItemA comparison of the modal dać się structure with the dispositional middle in Polish(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2015) Bondaruk, AnnaThe paper compares the modal dać się structure with the dispositional middle in Polish. It is argued that the two structures are similar as regards argument realization, i.e. in both constructions, the theme argument appears in the structural subject position. The two structures also have a dispositional meaning in common. However, they show a number of differences. They differ in the presence of a syntactically active agent, their aspectual properties, the availability of episodic interpretations, the obligatory presence of an adverbial modifier, and verb class restrictions. Although these differences seem to argue against a common syntactic derivation for the two structures analysed here, they do not preclude classifying the modal dać się structure as a subtype of the dispositional middle. If middles are seen as a notional category, understood as a special meaning that different grammatical structures can have, along the lines postulated by Condoravdi (1989), then the modal dać się structure can be subsumed under the label of middle. In fact, it is argued that the modal dać się structure represents Type II middles in Ackema and Schoorlemmer’s (2005) typology, and it shows properties typical of lassen-middles in German (Pitteroff 2014).
- ItemA Critical Analysis of Selected Aspects of Real Estate Taxation in the Context of Recent Legislative Amendments in the Czech Republic(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Zelenská, TaťánaThe real estate tax is the sole property tax in the Czech Republic and has been part of its tax system since its establishment, i.e. since January 1, 1993. The Czech Republic has long been recommended by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to increase the collection of this tax because its yield as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the lowest among all OECD and EU countries. The lower yield is in part attributable to the manner in which the tax base is determined. The Czech Republic, with the exception of a few minor instances, continues to employ the assessment-based rather than the value-based method of determining the tax base. Furthermore, the Czech Republic is encouraged to use the correction elements at the disposal of municipalities to influence the amount of property tax. This article examines the revenue aspect of real estate tax in the Czech Republic, including the determination of the tax base and the use of correction mechanisms. In light of these considerations, it is evident that the development of the Czech real estate tax system has been influenced by a number of factors, including the introduction of one of the most significant amendments to the Real Estate Tax Act in the country’s history. This amendment, known as the consolidation package, was implemented on January 1, 2024 and has had a profound impact on the current legislation.
- ItemA Critical Edition and Philological Analysis of the First Chapter of Deutero-Isaiah (Isa 40) on the Basis of the Coptic Manuscript sa 52 (M 568) in Light of Other Coptic Manuscripts Written in the Sahidic Dialect and the Greek Text of the Septuagint(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Bąk, Tomasz BartłomiejThe article presents a critical edition and philological analysis of the first chapter of Deutero-Isaiah worked out on the basis of the Coptic manuscript sa 52.2 and other manuscripts written in the Sahidic dialect. It consists of several parts: 1) general information on the fragment of codex sa 52 containing the text of Isa 40:2), a list and brief characteristics of the remaining witnesses containing at least some verses of the first chapter of Deutero-Isaiah, 3) a presentation of the Sahidic text of Isa 40:4) its translation into English, 5) tables showing linguistic differences between the text of the LXX and its Coptic rendering, and 6) an explanation of the philological problems of the first chapter of Deutero-Isaiah. Of special attention are undoubtedly verses 6, 7 and 8, occurring only in sa 52.2 and have never been published.
- ItemA Critical Edition and Philological Analysis of the Second Chapter of Deutero-Isaiah (Isa 41) on the Basis of the Coptic Manuscript sa 52 (M 568) in Light of Other Coptic Manuscripts Written in the Sahidic Dialect and the Greek Text of the Septuagint(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Bąk, Tomasz BartłomiejThe paper contains a critical edition and philological analysis of the second chapter of Deutero-Isaiah worked out on the basis of the Coptic manuscript sa 52.2 and other available manuscripts written in the Sahidic dialect. Firstly, it presents general information on the fragment of codex sa 52 containing the text of Isa 41. It is followed by a list of brief characteristics of the remaining witnesses that include at least some verses of the second chapter of Deutero-Isaiah. The most important part is a presentation of the Sahidic text of Isa 41, its translation into English and tables of linguistic differences between the text of the LXX and its Coptic rendering. The last part explains difficult philological questions observed in the Coptic text. The focus will be on Isa 41:11-27 since they appear only in manuscript 52.2 and have not been published so far.
- ItemA Critical Edition and Philological Analysis of the Text of Isa 42:1–44:5 on the Basis of the Coptic Manuscript sa 52 (M 568) and Other Coptic Manuscripts Written in the Sahidic Dialect of Coptic and the Greek Text of the Septuagint(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Bąk, Tomasz BartłomiejThis paper provides a critical edition and philological analysis of Isa 42:1–44:5, which were worked out on the basis of the Coptic manuscript sa 52.2 and other available manuscripts of the Sahidic dialect. The first part presents general information on the fragment of codex sa 52 (M 568) that includes the discussed text. The next part gives a list and brief characteristics of the other manuscripts containing at least some verses of Isa 42:1–44:5. The focal section of the paper is a presentation of the Sahidic text and its translation into English. The differences between the Sahidic text and the Septuagint, on which the Coptic translation is based, have been presented in tables. They include additions and omissions in the Coptic translation, lexical changes and semantic differences. Finally, the paper examines difficult philological questions observed in the Coptic text. Of special attention are the verses of Isa 42:1–44:5, which occur only in manuscript sa 52.2, and so far have not been published.
- ItemA Critical Edition and Philological Analysis of the Text of Isa 46–48 on the Basis of the Coptic Manuscript sa 52 (M 568) and other Coptic Manuscripts in the Sahidic Dialect and the Greek Text of the Septuagint(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Bąk, Tomasz BartłomiejArtykuł stanowi edycję krytyczną i analizę filologiczną tekstu Isa 46-48, opracowaną w oparciu o koptyjski rękopis sa 52 oraz inne dostępne manuskrypty dialektu saidzkiego. W pierwszej części przedstawione zostały ogólne informacje na temat tego fragmentu kodeksu sa 52 (M 568), w którym znajduje się opracowywany tekst. Następnie podany został wykaz i krótka charakterystyka pozostałych rękopisów, zawierających przynajmniej niektóre wersety z Isa 46-48. Najważniejszą częścią artykułu jest prezentacja koptyjskiego tekstu (w dialekcie saidzkim), a także jego tłumaczenie na język angielski. Różnice, zauważone pomiędzy tekstem saidzkim i grecką Septuagintą, na której przekład koptyjski się opiera, zostały przedstawione w formie tabelarycznej. Obejmuje ona między innymi dodatki i opuszczenia w tłumaczeniu koptyjskim, zmiany leksykalne i różnice semantyczne. Ostatnia część artykułu poświęcona została trudniejszym kwestiom filologicznym, zaobserwowanym czy to w samym tekście koptyjskim, czy to w jego relacji do greckiego tekstu LXX. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują te wersety Isa 46-48, które występują jedynie w rękopisie sa 52.2 i do tej pory nie były nigdzie publikowane.
- ItemA critical study of group-defining categories in the discursive construal of national identity(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Shtok, NinaOn 24 February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. The beginning of this war marked a significant turning point with far-reaching consequences for the countries involved. Russian political discourse has responded swiftly to the conflict with a marked increase in nationalist rhetoric. This surge underscores a renewed emphasis on national unity and a collective sense of purpose, alongside a growing imperative to safeguard Russian integrity and sovereignty. The discourse has increasingly framed the war as a battle against external threats, positioning Russia as a defender of traditional values and a bulwark against perceived Western encroachments. This nationalist narrative, actively promoted by the government, serves to mobilise public support for its policies. Official speeches by the head of state play a central role in disseminating this ideology. Accordingly, this paper sets out to analyse selected addresses by the Russian President delivered during the conflict’s initial year to uncover the discursive mechanisms shaping Russian national identity. It relies on a discourse-historical approach, which provides effective tools for advancing this endeavour.
- ItemA dictionary of legal English collocations as an aid for mastering the legal English genre(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Mroczyńska, KatarzynaThe article begins with a brief overview of collocations and their features as being central to legal language and, as such, worth studying, especially in view of the fact that legal language studies tend to be mostly interested in terminology rather than phraseology. To bridge this gap, the article offers a tool for legal English learners, i.e. the dictionary of legal English collocations based on judgments of the UK Supreme Court. Our dictionary project is aimed at analysing the corpus we created, using Sketch Engine software, a cutting-edge lexicographic tool which enables the uploading and exploration of users’ own corpora. The project will focus on analysing bipartite legal English collocations appearing in the corpus. The next stage of the project will be the preparation of the final product of our research, i.e. a dictionary of legal English collocations. We believe that such a dictionary will prove a useful aid for mastering the conceptual structure of legal English.
- ItemA Double-Edged-Sword Approach to Fighting Pandemics: Patent Waivers and Incentives to Innovate(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Kostka, Katarzyna; Kovač, MitjaAlthough continents recently experienced an apocalyptic pandemic that posed a mortal danger to millions of people, a new, even deadlier pandemic could soon emerge… The paper seeks to address the role played by patent waivers and current contractual arrangements in the pharmaceutical industry in addressing the dangers caused by the current and future pandemics. The process of waiving patents is explored where it is argued that it sadly cannot amount to the knight in shining armour that everyone has been expecting. Due to the lack of coordination, the tremendously long process, and the potential block in innovation arising from pharmaceutical companies having smaller incentives, more attention must be paid to other alternative institutional solutions. Drawing from the economics literature on innovation in the pharmaceutical sector, a conceptual framework is proposed for improved legal intervention in the case of patent waivers in international intellectual property law instruments. In addition, the paper provides a comparative law and economics treatment of current patent waivers in US, EU, and international law instruments.
- Item“A glass half full” or “a breastless dwarf”: Metaphorical talk in women’s accounts of Turner syndrome(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Ciepiela, KamilaThis paper examines body-related metaphors used by Polish women to describe lived experiences associated with Turner syndrome (TS), and highlights the contribution this form of analysis can make to the study of health, emotional well-being, and social identity. Turner syndrome is a genetic aberration that affects females, and results in short stature, ovarian failure and a number of less typical body deformations; it often takes a long time to be appropriately diagnosed. Metaphor analysis is employed to analyze a data subset of four semi structured interviews audio recorded and translated from Polish into English. The analysis is carried out with metaphor operationalized as a framing device in discourse, whose main function is to impose a particular axiologically-charged construal of TS. Metaphorical concepts lying at the basis of the metaphors used were identified and grouped into four themes: (i) diagnosis and therapy; (ii) Turner syndrome (iii) appearance (iv) self-esteem and social positioning. The results of the analysis show that a range of composite metaphors develop on the basis of the BODY IS A PHYSICAL OBJECT as a primary metaphor but their occurrence depends on the salience of particular bodily symptoms of TS in individual women. Results are discussed with regard to the function and the utility of metaphor analysis in health, emotional well-being, and social identity research.
- ItemA Great Sign Appeared in the Sky . Audience-Oriented Criticism of Revelation 12:1-6(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2022) Blajer, PiotrRevelation 12:1-6 recounts two signs that appear in heaven. The first sign is a woman and the second one is a dragon with seven heads, ten horns and seven diadems on its seven heads. The somewhat unusual description of the two signs has its grand finale in 12:4-6 which tells about the interaction between the woman and the dragon, as well as her child. The dragon, aware that its power must last for only a short period, a symbolic ten days, tries to swallow the child to whom the woman is about to give birth. In this way, the dragon wants to thwart and frustrate God’s plan. The newborn child is caught up by God to his throne in heaven. The reference to the OT helps the audience to identify the newborn child as the Messiah who will shepherd all the nations. The presentation of the child’s mission to shepherd all the nations assures the audience that God’s plan will be realized. This vision assures the audience that God is almighty, and that he is the ‘hidden actor’ in the entire vision. The reader-oriented exegesis of the passage discloses how the audience respond to the author’s rhetorical arguments and presentation.
- ItemA new beginning? A bibliometric analysis of L2 vocabulary research in 1985(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Meara, PaulThis paper uses a co-citation analysis to examine the research on L2 vocabulary acquisition that was published in 1985. This year seems to mark a kind of transition in the field. Unlike the earlier years analysed in this series of papers, 1985 shows signs of a coherent L2 vocabulary research front developing. The number of papers that qualify for inclusion is much greater than in previous years, and the analysis suggests that recognisable research themes are beginning to be clearly articulated.