Browsing by Author "Bielak, Włodzimierz"
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- ItemChrystianizacja Prus według Kroniki Jana Długosza(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Bielak, WłodzimierzSince the beginning of its existence, the Polish Church took an active part in the Christianization of the neighbouring pagan peoples. One of its missionary areas was the land inhabited by the Prussians. These missions were conducted in three stages. The first one was the mission undertaken by Saint Wenceslaus under the patronage of duke Boleslaw the Valiant (Polish: Bolesław Chrobry). During this mission St Wenceslaus died a martyr’s death, which was used as a factor promoting the Polish Church while creating metropolitan church organization in 1000. The second stage was the missionary activity at the time of Henryk Kietlicz, the archbishop of Gniezno, at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries, which was interrupted by the appearance of the Teutonic Order in Prussia. The action of the Teutonic Knights in Prussia was the third stage of Christianization. However, this evangelization was the German method of conducting a mission - that is to say, by the sword. The objective of the Teutonic Knights was to create their own state in Prussia rather than convert pagans to Christianity. The description of these processes was based on the Annals of Jan Dlugosz, which shows how the memories of those events were retained.
- ItemDokument fundacyjny klasztoru Kanoników Regularnych Laterańskich w Kraśniku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Bielak, WłodzimierzThe paper presents the critical edition of the foundation document of the monastery of the Canons Regular of the Lateran in Kraśnik, issued by Jan Rabsztyński (the Topór coat of arms) on18 May 1468. In this document the founder asks the Bishop of Cracow Jan Lutek of Brzezia to transform the parish church in Kraśnik into a monastic church of the Canons Regular. The article includes the detailed description of the monastery’s emoluments. The drawer of the document showed the links between the Kraśnik monastery and the Corpus Christi Monastery in Cracow.
- ItemEcclesiastical and theological aspects of the coronation acts of the Polish kings in the Middle Ages. An outline(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020-12-21) Bielak, WłodzimierzCeremoniał koronacji królów polskich wpisuje się w średniowieczny związek Kościoła i państwa. Koronacja miała więc wydźwięk nie tylko państwowy, lecz także kościelny – była udzielana przez arcybiskupa w katedrze, wobec zgromadzonego Kościoła. W pewien sposób koronacja włączała nowego władcę w misję Kościoła. Używany podczas koronacji formularz zawierał podbudowę teologiczną dokonywanego aktu. Koronacja, czyniąca z króla pomazańca Bożego, dawała władcy szczególną pozycję w państwie i w Kościele.
- ItemKilka uwag na temat początków urzędu biskupiego w ujęciu historycznym(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Bielak, WłodzimierzPursuant to the contemporary teaching of the Catholic Church bishops are deemed the successors of Apostles – and the only continuation in their offices. This thesis, posed by the dogmatic theology, should not be questioned. From the perspective of history, however, the issue is not that straightforward. The oldest monumental Christian scripts would rather suggest the separation of bishops from the presbyters. The following facts evidence this process: 1. Presbyters have been commonly present since the beginnings of the Church in all church fellowships – as opposed to bishops. Even the old Church of Corinth was long marked by the absence of a bishop’s office. 2. Originally, the terms presbyteroi i episcopoi were used interchangeably, even as long as until 3rd century. 3. There was a collegial management board of the then Churches. 4. The scripts of St. Hieronim still nurture the idea of bishops’ and presbyters’ oneness. 5. The above article shall stress the need to apply historical data in order to clarify the origins of the bishop’s office.
- ItemKsięga Bractwa Trójcy Przenajświętszej w parafii Dywin 1763-1800(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Bielak, WłodzimierzThe Roman Catholic parish in Dywin came into existence about 1700. The parish initially belonged to the Lutsk-Brest diocese. Today, Dywin is a village on the terrain of Belorussia.The Fraternity of The Holy Trinity was established in 1763. It was functioning there at least until the end of 18th century. The register of this fraternity has been published in this article. The book contains: — the list of church fetes for members of the fraternity; — brothers duty; — ceremonies connected with enroling new members; — enrolment of the members of the fraternity 1763-1800.
- ItemKsięgozbiór panien norbertanek w Imbramowicach(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2011) Bielak, WłodzimierzThe article presents the convent book collection of the Norbertine Sisters in Ibramowice. Its beginnings date back to the fi rst half of the 18th century. The convent was rebuilt after the fi re in 1710. Then its greatest benefactor, the Rev. Dominik Lochman, made an effort to found a library to which he himself gave a lot of books. The library established by the Rev. Lochman grew bigger thro-ughout the following years. The books mainly came from donors, but some of them were brought by sisters who entered the convent, including those nuns who were resettled from dissolved convents, for example from Busko.The present–day book collection is divided into fi ve categories: manuscripts, antique books, nineteenth-century books, modern books and magazines. The size of the book collection is not exactly known. So far it has been possible to confi rm the existence of about 30 music manuscripts, which were written from the 18th to the 19th century, over 800 antique books and over 300 titles of magazines. The most valuable books are the thirteenth-century antiphonaries of Płock, the fi fteenth-century gradual and a few extremely rare antique books.
- ItemOkoliczności fundacji klasztoru kanoników regularnych w Kraśniku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Bielak, WłodzimierzThe article presents the circumstances of founding the monastery of the Canons Regular of Lateran in Kraśnik. The author omitted the data contained in the foundation docu-ments which had already been described in the literature on the subject. The paper focuses on the history of the Tęczyński family, whose founding activity was aimed at marking their position among the elite of medieval Poland - the times of the Tęczyński family’s splendour, which followed the periods of crisis, were marked by successive foundations. In this context, the purpose of the monastery in Kraśnik was to emphasize the position of the new branch in the Topór coat of arms - Rabsztyńscy. Attention was also paid to the Tęczyński family’s connections with the Canons Reg-ular formed at the Cracow Academy, where some members of this family studied. Finally, the author presented a mysterious and unexplained case of Jakub Oleśnicki, who, according to an old tradition, was regarded as a brother of the famous Cardinal Zbigniew – a member of the Corpus Christi Monastery in Cracow. If Jakub was indeed related to Cardinal Oleśnicki – though he was not his brother, but rather his nephew – the question of choosing the Canons Regular to run the monastery in Kraśnik would be obvious, as he would be a very close relative of the founder of the monastery, Jan Rabsztyński.
- ItemProblem istnienia parafii w Stróży w archidiadonacie zawichojskim w średniowieczu(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Bielak, WłodzimierzThe article aims to answer the question whether it is possible to state unconditionally, according to the views present in older and modern historiography, that the parish in Stóża existed as early as in the Middle Ages. The paper assesses the arguments of the most important authors who have introduced this view into the literature and contributed to its spreading. Analyzing the surviving sources, the author of the following article reveals that the functioning a parish in Stróża is highly problematic, and that a parish could exist in Kraśnik itself or in the nearby village of Grambienica, in which, by Jan Długosz’s reliable account, a parish church existed in the 14th century.
- ItemStarodruki w księgozbiorze parafii rzymskokatolickiej w Kumowie(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Bielak, WłodzimierzParafia rzymskokatolicka powstała w Kumowie w 1434 r. Jak wszystkie parafie posiadała swój księgozbiór, na który zawsze składały się księgi liturgiczne. Wiele parafii posiadało też w swoich zbiorach książki pomocne w duszpasterstwie, np. zbiory kazań. W okresie reformy trydenckiej tych książek przybywało, szczególnie dzięki pracy zakonu jezuitów, którego członkowie trudnili się pisarstwem teologicznym i działalnością wydawniczą. W XVII i XVIII wieku przybywało też książek w zbiorach parafialnych. Te procesy nie ominęły również parafii w Kumowie. Nie znamy dokładnie księgozbioru parafialnego z okresu staropolskiego z powodu niezachowania się jego inwentarza. Informacji dostarczają jedynie protokoły z wizytacji biskupich parafii, jednak trudno jest oddzielić na ich podstawie książki należące do kościoła od prywatnych, będących własnością kolejnych proboszczów. Możemy jedynie wskazać niektóre, powtarzające się w raportach wizytatorów, co do których mamy pewność, że stanowiły własność parafii. Zbiór starodruków powiększył się w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku dzięki spuściznom na rzecz parafii dwóch jej plebanów: ks. Antoniego Borowskiego i ks. Antoniego Wołoszyńskiego. Do dzisiaj zachowało się 25 starodruków, które przez lata niszczały w piwnicy plebanii.
- ItemThe state of research and research postulates for the beginnings of the monastery of the Canons Regular of the Lateran in Kraśnik(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2016) Bielak, WłodzimierzThe monastery of the Canons Regular in Kraśnik functioned from 1469 to its dissolution by the tsarist Russia in 1864. Its history and contribution to the culture of the region have not been studied in detail so far. There are relatively few publications on the monastery of Kraśnik and they relate primarily to the issues of specific monuments. The main studies of the beginnings of the monastery in Kraśnik come from Ewa Zielińska (Kultura intelektualna kanoników regularnych z klasztoru w Kraśniku 1469-1563, Lublin 2002) and Janusz Kurtyka (Tęczyńscy. Studium z dziejów polskiej elity możnowładczej w średniowieczu, Cracow 1997). There is no doubt about the date of founding the monastery and earliest emolument of the monastery. The founder is well-known. The reasons for the foundation are as follows: the wish of the founder’s father; commemoration of father’s memory; making the monastery in Kraśnik the necropolis of the Rabsztyńskis; Jan Rabsztyński’s personal piety and concern for providing the local people with adequate pastoral care. Research postulates. The problem of establishing the parish in Kraśnik has not been solved. It is a mystery why the bishop of Cracow Jan Lutek of Brzezia delayed issuing the document confirming the foundation and erection of the monastery in Kraśnik. There are doubts about existing a medieval scriptorium in Kraśnik.
- ItemThe vicissitudes of St Peter and Paul’s Church in Bychawa at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries based on church sources(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Bielak, WłodzimierzThis article aimed to correct erroneous or imprecise information about the parish in Bychawa, present in the literature on the subject so far, which is, nota bene, not very extensive. The discussions in this article, based mainly on church sources (which have not been often used so far by others), enabled the Author to shed new light, at least in part, on the time of individual stages in the history of the Bychawa church at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. The Calvinist movement must have begun in the last years of the fifteenth decade of the sixteenth century and is related to the activities of Mikołaj Pilecki. Andrzej Myszkowski strengthened the Protestant milieu here in the early 1650s, establishing a Calvinist school and perhaps bringing in permanent Calvinist ministers. It is incorrect, however, to link the origins of Calvinism in Bychawa only to Andrzej Myszkowski. The repossession of the church in Bychawa was related to Stanisław Myszkowski, the Lublin deputy cup-bearer, son of Andrzej. After the divisions in the Calvinist movement and the weakening of their community in Bychawa, he turned his attention to the old faith, as did other magnates of that period, and probably brought a Catholic priest around 1582. The church was also returned to the Catholics, which enabled the archdeacon of Lublin to make the first visitation after the Calvinist times in 1595. The building, however, was largely ruined. Attempts were made to maintain it until the 1620s by making the necessary repairs. The construction of a new masonry church probably began in the mid-1620s, when the parish priest, Sebastian Piątkowski, won the lawsuit over the church property with Zofia Wierzbicka. Shifting the date of the church construction to an earlier period is not well-founded. St. John the Baptist’s church has survived to our times and still serves the Catholic community of Bychawa.
- ItemZofia Grothówna, Kronika klasztorna sióstr norbertanek w Imbramowicach 1703-1741(Wydawnictwo Jedność w Kielcach, 2016) Bielak, Włodzimierz; Żurek, Waldemar Witold